BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Thank you. But the rules don't apply for this version. I will make 3 runs.

1 -100% (story mode and mobwars) 2 - STory Mode Only 3 - Mob Wars Only

Is that Ok? There are no heists or collectibles.

BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Is there any active moderators here?

BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Thanks @clix_gaming! Well not even mapping works for me now. And it is frustrating playing on keyboards for me hahaha

BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Hi. I've been trying to talk to the mods in The Godfather The Mob Wars game asking them for changing the rules because of the differences of the version of the game. No one answers me and it looks like it is abandoned.

I play The Godfather Mob Wars and I really want to speedrun it but the rules must be fixed first. Can anyone help me? I posted my threads about this matter on the Mob Wars Forum.

I also really would like to moderate the Mob Wars game if the moderators are inactive...

Thanks, and sorry for posting this here.

BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

I tried both but didn't work for me. I also bought a xbox 360 controller and tried with it but it doesn't work with this game. I really would like to play it on the d-pad. Keyboard sucks

BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

In Mob Wars mode you can take over all the markets and defeat all the families in a game per turn based. When you destroy the other families compounds, you take over NYC.

There is no bank heists and other missions. This is not a free roam game. I will point in parenthesis some mistakes on the rules of this game in the added categories:

To achieve Don of NYC rank you have to complete 90% of the game:

• Do all main 17 story missions, which are highlighted blue

  • Destroy all the rival compounds. (This is what you do only in Mob Wars Mode, and it is the main goal. Once you do that, you take over everything.)

  • Own every Racket. (no point of having it, not in this version)

  • Heist all 6 Banks. (no banks to heist)

  • Complete all the Hit Contracts (You can ignore Tessio's ones) (no hit contratcs)

  • Collect 30 Film Reels. (No collectibles)

  • Do 42 Execution Styles. (no such a number of executions)

  • Purchase 18 Safe Houses. (no purchases, only weapons and ammo)

  • Blow up 78 Safelockers. (no such a number of safelockers).

The right rule for this category in this version of The Godfather would be simple as: Win the Mob Wars (destroy the other families compounds). and finish the story mode.

The any% we finish only the story mode. Thats ok.

And the Don% would be only: Win the mob wars defeating all compounds.

This is a very different version, there is no driving or roaming. Story mode is very linear.

Thanks, I apreciate if you consider what I just said. Thanks.

BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Thanks bro!

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BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Can you insert the MOB WARS CATEGORY or DON OF NYC category? It would end when we finished the mob wars and the message Mob Wars Victory shows in the screen.

I have some suggestions of categories for this game

100% Finish Mob Wars and Story Mode

Mob Wars Until you take over and win the mob wars.

I would submit runs for all categories. Thanks I'd really apreciate if you create these categories.

BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Hey Guys, I am using a PS3 controller on the PC but it thinks is a xbox controller as you guys must know how this works. Well, when I play RE the directional doesn't work. Only the analogic controllers and 'cause of that I've been forced to play on keyboards and that's really sucks for me.

Can anyone tell me how to config de d-pad to work on this game please? using a xbox controller.

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BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Try this:

BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

I hope this helps you:

BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

I think we can make it faster like this: In the beggining hall there is an ink ribbon on the typewriter and if you take that you don't need to get the green herb later from the floor. Jill won't need to pick up anything from the floor. The ink ribbon isn't on the floor so you skip the crouching animation. Maybe it works faster like this. We should test it.

Anyway it only would work on consoles. As on PC we don't have ink ribbons.

BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Thanks Bro, @TheNevs! I apreciate for answering!

TheNevs likes this
BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Well, I stayed more than a year without running this game and now I can see that when people get into the first chest room, they take 2 bullet clips and then when they leave the room they take a green herb and the inventory gets full. After metting Barry they combine the bullet clips and use f aid spray and take the bazooka. And then they open another chest and get rid of the items.

Why is everybody doing this? And how this is faster than the old run when you only opened a chest once?

TheNevs likes this
thread: The Site
BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

When is it going to be fixed? It's been like this for days...

thread: The Site
BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

When this is going to be fixed????

thread: The Site
BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

I cant view any guides in any games. When you choose the guide you want to see, there is no link. Anything.

OpalLua likes this
thread: The Site
BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Is there anything worng with the GUIDES SESSIONS? When I click on the guide it doesnt show me any links for it.

BrazilDiogo.Asgard5 years ago

Ok. No problem. Thanks bro.

About Diogo.Asgard
7 years ago
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Soul Blade
Soul Blade
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Double Dragon IV
Double Dragon IV
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Blazing Dragons
Blazing Dragons
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Blazing Dragons
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Soul Blade
Soul Blade
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Monster Rancher 2
Monster Rancher 2
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Double Dragon IV
Double Dragon IV
Last visit 7 months ago
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Games moderated
The Godfather: Mob Wars
The Godfather: Mob Wars
Last action 7 months ago