New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

@NoobSalmon 'I don't see the blame put on him' He was adamantly against an FPS cap and it was the largest reason why I didn't push harder for it 11 months ago when I brought it up. To quote Toriks 'absolutely no, btw havent checked forums in forever lolol'

To put it bluntly, Toriks is a large part of why this was never formalised in the rules and it was he, not anyone else, who specifically abused this lapse. Who else is there to blame?

@tolly2hot Good one lol.

@MToms127 What dishonesty?

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Not by having a better PC NoobSalmon. He specifically choose to run under conditions to gain a hardware advantage, seemingly for the first time ever. He already had an FPS and loadtime advantage, he just increased it to get a world record.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Hello everyone.

11 months ago I made a post titled 'Higher FPS and its impact on speedrun times' where I explained that I had been shown the impact FPS difference has on cars in GTA V. The issue had no resolution for a number of reasons but primarily no one was attempting to abuse the system and no one was complaining. Why fix what isn’t broken, basically.

That has now changed. Toriks achieved world record yesterday, an improvement of 30 seconds in Trevor% after 9 months. This run was done offstream, this avoids the FPS reduction that streaming causes. Comparing his on-stream and off-stream runs, he achieved 20-40 higher fps on average. While the effect is more pronounced in this video, here is a refresher on what fps does to cars Here is Broughy discussing the issue (gets to PC 4 minutes in).

Even whilst streaming, Toriks has always had an FPS and loading time advantage (Compare both our Classic% run loadless and load times). Until now, I have just accepted my disadvantage rather than have to deal with the endless difficulties we would face solving these issues. I am however not going to let GTA V Speedrunning become ‘Who can rig their system to get the most FPS’. With a single stroke, Toriks has effectively killed the viability of streaming runs as any person who does will be hard pressed improving the world record. We had an uneasy situation that no one had abused but I think this now calls for a solution.

Having thought on it, just dealing with the fps differences would cause the least impact to the leaderboards and the route itself. Moving to loadless would effectively reroute everything due to death warps and taxis taking less time. At least having the loadless timer up there we can see who has the loadless world record still.

When considering the likely solution to FPS differences, an fps cap, the problem of ‘unbeatable world records’ comes into play. An FPS cap that is too low could make some of the world records hard to beat, whilst an FPS cap that is too high will not resolve the issue. I’d recommend an FPS cap of 75, it would both solve the issue and likely have the least impact on runs being unbeatable. FPS would need to be shown on screen, the method of locking the fps would be up to the runner. I would suggest that all runs that were valid previously are valid now, as it was with all other rule changes. I would call for a vote now, but perhaps someone has a better idea so please respond down below.

Please note, I will be deleting anything Ryedawg types here. He does not run this game and his evidenced attempts to make my life worse are not something I feel I need to tolerate on this board.

ult1matum likes this
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

I can't remember the last time this happened to me but it has happened at least 5 times. I am not aware of a fix for it, I verify the integrity of my game cache through steam, downgrade again, and it stops.

Wish I could be of more help.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

Posts made specifically to mock others will be deleted.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

S with all due respect. It's like having a time save in super mario 64 be related to your conduct in Club penguin, and the time save dependent on the servers for club penguin. GTA Online is not the same game as GTA V and time saves in the game should not be held hostage by affairs involving it. People are banned online all the time due to errors, false detections of benign software or being given modded money etc. I will grant the server is less of an issue but we did not know of the banning problem previously. We could take advice from other speedgames but I can't think of something comparable that wasn't also banned.

Derpeth, about a minute. A prescient was set when Toriks used the 500k in his 100% run and the money was officially banned afterwards. The run stayed up because the record was just going to be beaten anyway and losing the history seemed to make little sense. The only record currently using the app is classic%, which is an old run. I am confident Toriks or I will beat the run when we get back to doing the category. 100% is more important atm.

As for grandfathering in my run, the only competitor to me is Toriks who doesn't use the app. Whether or not the app is banned makes little difference to whether I will lose the WR to Toriks. At best, all it does is make it harder for me to extend my lead over Toriks.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

Changes to the rules have now been made to reflect the consensus. It is now banned.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

Changes to the rules have now been made to reflect the consensus. It is now banned.

thread: The Site
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

Hello The GTA V leaderboards uses 'Time with loads' to determine positions on the leaderboard. However, if you click on a person's run that also has submitted a 'Time without loads' it will display the 'Time without loads' instead of the 'Time with loads'. Here is an example:

Is there a way to fix this?

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

New Game+ is a term used to describe when a new game is started but is altered in a way so that it is no longer a 'vanilla' new game. An example of this is with Banjo Kazooie speedruns where runners perform a glitch so they start a new game with all the abilities and don't need to waste time learning them.

A little known and a little used glitch can be done in GTA V that should be considered New Game+. Through some shenanigans, you can start a new game and have the entire map cleared rather than it being shrouded in fog as would normally be the case. I believe it is used in the all letters category WR currently.

I believe this technique should be formally banned and added to the rules of all categories. Any runs that previously used this will still be considered valid.

Please vote: 1 for ban. 2 for don't ban. 3 for other and give a different suggestion.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

The last post on this issue was by me and reads as follows: "With 11 votes for 'Allow' and 3 votes for 'Ban', a majority has been reached and thus this poll is now closed. The Ifruit app will remain allowed until circumstances change significantly enough to justify further discussion or a vote on the matter"

I believe in the last year circumstances have changed enough that reassessing the issue is justified. I bring this up in part because I may be leaving in the coming months so I feel it is better to address my concerns now.

Three new points have come forth that were either not known about, not considered fully, or had not occurred at the tim of the last vote:

  1. The failed widespread adoption of the app, representing a disagreement between actual runners and the outcome of the previous vote. In the classic% category only my run certainly uses the ifruit app, maybe S' run does as well. In trevor%, the current WR holder doesn't use it. We can't even be sure which runs use it because 'Yes' actually is the default option and so errors can occur.

  2. Being banned by Rockstar online prevents you from using the ifruit app in the single player game. This presents issues. Your conduct in another game, or an error by another entity, can prevent you using the app. While you can buy another copy of the game, this does seem to be a bit absurd.

  3. Server errors causing outages of the app mid-run. Social club has always caused some issues with running GTA V but the ifruit app takes this a step further. The ifruit app's usability being hard dependent on the health of the social club servers has been shown as an issue. This presents a distinct difference between it and things like the tingle tuner in Wind Waker, which has no such dependency.

I did not vote previously, but I would at this stage want it banned. I do like the meme number plates and the changing colour of the car, but perhaps at this stage it isn't worth it.

Please vote 1 for yes, ban it. 2 for no, don't ban it. 3 for other with a suggestion for different option.

As was the case with previous rule changes, any runs that were valid previously will remain valid.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

I downloaded a speedometer to take a look at it. Its...certainly a speedboost. It is not something that is maintained over long distances, you will eventually drop back to the semi-normal speed of your car (I mean for franklin).

I am going to spend some time specifically going through each mission and seeing where I want to do it. I think it will save time but I think it will result in ALOT of lost runs to traffic.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

Thanks ricecooker, very useful :)

This is sure to kill some runs but it will definitely be interesting learning when to best use it. I tinkered with it just now, works quite well.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

I meant the difference in method isn't meaningful because we are already using fps-limiters. There is no difference in effect. It would be quite different if FPS-Limiters were already against the rules, or at least not in use.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

"why do we have a arbitrary category like classic%" Its a funner run to do.

"Using any third party tool to give you an advantage during the run shouldn't ever be a thing" In an ideal world there would be no advantages given from hardware or software. This however is not the path we have gone down with previous decisions due to forseen difficulties and how long the run has existed without these constraints. This strategy could be done by Dates back in the day and it did give him a timesave over me and Toriks. Coincidently, his hardware being worse actually gives him an advantage in his regard.

"Is it possible to limit frame rate naturally in-game?" Programs, and even mods, are sometimes allowed if they just exist to stabilize the game on your system. If they were not allowed, some systems could not run the game or future systems may not be able to run it at all. Clearly what programs would be allowed would be done on a case by case basis. Currently, I have nothing against fps limiters.

Ultimately, without the ability to modify one's FPS, who gains a timesave here is partly hardware dependent. I do not agree there is a difference between changing an fps limiter and simply opening another copy of OBS and pressing 'record' to lower your fps.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

I will think on it when I am better, still pretty sick unfortunately. Maybe I just won't do the strat and we can keep the rules the way they are. I doubt anyone else will bother with it.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

That would define what makes a good speedrun in terms of watchability Reloe. I don't think the rules are meant to revolve around making a speedrun more appealing to viewers, although I am not saying that isn't a thing worth considering.

As apparently voting is no longer allowed....and I am not going to let Toriks be a dictator and simply make up his own rules on a whim, I doubt anything will come of this discussion. If the rules are left as they are, there is no rule that prevents this strategy.

Perhaps I was wrong to think this would not be an issue initially. Enforcing a rule of 'no changes to fps limiter' is next to impossible unless we force people to use an fps counter on screen. This was already discussed previously and people seemed against it. In practice, opening/altering third party programs to tank your fps and altering an fps limiter are not different. Having a preference of one over the other seems unjustified.

A discussion of banning the strategy or not would have been better. Whether or not a person uses the strategy is clear and obvious and does not require any form of overlay.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

Ryedawg, if you and your friends are just going to shitpost your posts will be deleted. I don't care if you are drunk or high with your friends and think its funny. I am quite ill and in no mood.

The Ifruit matter was resolved 4 moinths ago. It has absolutely nothing to do with the overall topic of this thread.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

"change all rules" There was no rule about ifruit. There is no rule about moving both the crates or fps limiters. What rule did I advocate to change? In this case I believe changing no rules and adding no rules would mean I can do the strategy.

'added ifruit' Ifruit wasn't banned. The only commentary on it was from Gael and Zoton who both said I could use it for the same reason the Tingle Turner was used in Wind Waker. I could have simply said nothing and used it by the logic you have expressed here and you seem to believe this would have been better. I instead sought to finalize whether it should be banned. I find this rebuke amusing as you seem to be saying I should just permanently keep everyone in the dark and no rules should ever be finalized.

"blame me" Blaming you? What the hell am I blaming you for?

"caught using limiter" Who said you were caught? Your argument against using the limiter in this case was 'advantage'. Yet you are using it already to give you an advantage. You have also directly argued against rules that would limit your advantage over others. This is known as 'hypocrisy'.

Toriks. If there is no explicit or implicit rule against something it is allowed. There is no rule regarding fps limiters that is why we use them. Ifruit wasn't banned, and still isn't. This strategy isn't banned. Changing the fps limiter mid-run isn't banned. You are saying we should create a rule to ban it. You however seemingly offer no justification for this position other than "I don't want it cause I don't". At least that is all that you are left as your defense of 'advantage' clearly makes no sense as outlined earlier.

"Allow or ban i dont care as long its not being changed mid run." Do you ever actually read what you type? Saying "I don't care" and then directly saying you will accept nothing short of a ban on limiter changes mid-run (how the hell is this enforcable?) is caring ffs.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

.....which is why I suggested either banning the strat or doing nothing at all.

Ryedawg, have you ever wondered if people agree with me not simply because of who I am but due to what I say or because they hold the view independent of my position? 🤔 Your statement is even more amusing considering you yourself agree with me on this issue, are you a closeted nut hugger Rye? Get off my balls mate.

If Rye's fantasy world were true, I could just vote and give myself all the world records or to implement rules only to benefit myself. As my history has shown, I have argued against such things.

About DarkViperAU
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Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V
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Dark Souls III
Dark Souls III
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Grand Theft Auto Online
Grand Theft Auto Online
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Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V
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Drivers Ed Direct Parking Game
Drivers Ed Direct Parking Game
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Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V
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