New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU8 years ago

The any% full run is actually interesting somewhat. Before grenades, you need to find ways of failing that are faster than doing the part of the mission you would skip. When you get grenades, it is still slow to blow up three times so there are still mission parts you need to do. When you get C4, not everything is skippable and there are still some mission parts that are faster to do compared to dying 3 times with C4. You also still need to decide where to get taxis to get to and from each mission. Basically, you do actually need to route things and you can optimize the run. While not a category everyone loves, it is worth keeping because there are actually different strats involved by comparison to the other categories.

None of these points exist for in the individual level runs. You start with C4. If people actually competed in the individual level categories it would simply be who can select and blow up c4 the fastest in 98% of the cases. No one even bothers to submit an actual run to the category, they just put a classic % run for it. I think this is beyond dispute that any% individual level categories should not exist. Do you agree?

What I am not sure on, is whether the any% NMS category is necessary for the individual level runs. I think the classic % individual levels should certainly stay but I am not sure if there is enough of a difference in the way the missions are done to make the differentiation between any% nms and classic % worth it. 95/100 times a taxi is used in a full run it is to go between missions. The category makes sense for full runs because you do end up doing some strats that are different from classic % but this is not really the case for individual levels. People generally just do a classic % run and submit it to all three categories.

What do you guys think? Remove any% individual levels? Remove both any% and any% nms individual levels? Just simply write the classic % rules for all individual levels? One of the reasons people don't run the individual levels could be because it looks like a mess with 3 duplicate times. What do you think?

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New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU8 years ago

Who is grinding it anymore? If you recall from when I first started running, I said "I will never do trevor%, I think the idea of the category is stupid". The ONLY reason I ended up running it is because I didn't have the time for a full run. I don't really think it matters either way, but I don't think the existence of the category is causing people to not run the full game. If anything, most people would come here say "What?!? 8 hours to finish a run...fuck that" and not run. In over a year, you only have 12 (13 if you include me) who have actually bothered to run classic%.I think it is a problem with the run itself, not the categories.

I have said it before, coincidentally, the most interesting parts of the game are actually in trevor%. There are no long drives for no reason, no long exposition, no pointless mini-games... I find it to be actually a fun run. It is fast paced, you don't have all the weapons and such. The drives are short yet intense. I wish the entire game was trevor % lol.

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