Goiás, BrazilCosmosBR2 years ago

Is this valid? Moderators like "french" don't have any runs in Subway Surfers.

TIRICOBR likes this
Goiás, BrazilCosmosBR2 years ago

I'm a Brazilian, and I was reading the rules of the categories, I noticed that they are written in Portuguese too, but they are full of Portuguese mistakes, such as: starting a sentence in quotes with a capital letter, and other mistakes, which vary between spelling errors and even typing errors. I don't want to be boring but this is embarrassing, there can't be such pathetic mistakes, besides making it difficult to understand, this is embarrassing, and the reader can lose interest in a simple Portuguese mistake, making some kind of pre-judgment based on in that. Could it be that the Portuguese moderators here can't even understand their own language? How embarrassing.

Goiás, BrazilCosmosBR2 years ago

Lol, I was writing in Portuguese (because the creator of this thread is Brazilian like me). Sorry, too lazy to use Google Translate.

Danimed and akane4chan like this
Goiás, BrazilCosmosBR2 years ago

In the Any% Mobile category, 2nd place had their video evidence removed from YouTube, is this valid?

Goiás, BrazilCosmosBR2 years ago

Akaneup, a sua speedrun já foi recronometrada por Raccoon Simp (também chamado de "Bruh_without_a_f"), ou seja, o tempo das telas carregamento já foram removidos, você pode ver isso na descrição da sua speedrun, lá encontra-se uma nota do moderador, avisando à todos que sua speedrun foi recronometrada e atualmente está cronometrada corretamente.

akane4chan likes this
Goiás, BrazilCosmosBR2 years ago

I've been playing DKC since I was a kid, it's a very nostalgic game for me, I found out about DKC speedruns and got interested, I was reading the rules, etc., but the terms are complex, I didn't understand any of them, and I didn't even find any place where it explains them, and the terms I'm referring to are terms like SFR, SJR, Perils WW, etc., I just want help with the terms, if anyone has some sort of a list, or something like that, as I don't makes the slightest sense, there should be some terms guide, something like that, I even tried to enter the Discord server to see if there was something there, but I couldn't enter, I filled out the roles correctly, but the channels/categories were not available for me.

_SNES_ likes this
Goiás, BrazilCosmosBR2 years ago

Wow, I hope one day to be as good as you.

About CosmosBR
Apenas mais um jogador...
2 years ago
8 months ago
Games run
Five Nights at Freddy's
Five Nights at Freddy's
Last run 2 years ago
Games followed
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country
Last visit 2 years ago
Five Nights at Freddy's
Five Nights at Freddy's
Last visit 8 months ago
Bomber Friends
Bomber Friends
Last visit 2 years ago
Subway Surfers
Subway Surfers
Last visit 8 months ago
Five Nights at Freddy's 2
Five Nights at Freddy's 2
Last visit 1 year ago