Portuguese mistakes in the rules
2 years ago
Goiás, Brazil

I'm a Brazilian, and I was reading the rules of the categories, I noticed that they are written in Portuguese too, but they are full of Portuguese mistakes, such as: starting a sentence in quotes with a capital letter, and other mistakes, which vary between spelling errors and even typing errors. I don't want to be boring but this is embarrassing, there can't be such pathetic mistakes, besides making it difficult to understand, this is embarrassing, and the reader can lose interest in a simple Portuguese mistake, making some kind of pre-judgment based on in that. Could it be that the Portuguese moderators here can't even understand their own language? How embarrassing.

São Paulo, Brazil

Fixed! I really agree with you, the rules should be written correctly, so people understand it, i see a lot of runs being rejected because the person either didin't read the rules or didin't understood it.

jackzfiml, Neudo, and dha like this

Yeah most people don't even know the rules exists or won't ever read them before submitting, but it's nice to have them fixed. Thanks @ImQwertyXD for fixing :D

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Gaming_64, DNGXL, and jackzfiml like this