United StatesClingingTomcat89 months ago

I’m not active and no longer affiliated with this site for the time being. Apologies for the delay as i forgot I still moderated this game. Thanks for stepping up and clearing up some things.

United StatesClingingTomcat83 years ago

We can only hope one day it will come back, unlikely though.

Gaming_64 likes this
United StatesClingingTomcat83 years ago

No he didn't complete the stage at all. This run was approved by mistake, as i noted that the stage was not yet completed and thought i rejected the run but was mistaken by other pending runs. I appreciate the quick informative response and good eye on the mistake.

United StatesClingingTomcat83 years ago

Would you agree that the mods that placed the ban in the first place should have the say if the ban should be revoked or not? Since the user being discussed was a mod for VC at one point it is safe to say he was very close with the GTA community and moderation team, unlike flying who i see would never be unbanned. But in theory, with the circumstances added, there really is no issue here considering the mods and the user have trust.

United StatesClingingTomcat83 years ago

Due to issues with the previous moderation team, i had to step in and fix some things with the series.

Here are all the games that have been deleted

  1. Angry Birds space (flash) has been removed and moved to CE

  2. Bad Piggies 2.0 has been removed and moved to CE

  3. Bad Piggies 3.4 has been removed and moved to CE

  4. HTML5 has been removed due to it having no runners once created

  5. 8-bit has been removed due it being a game less then 1 min long which breaks SRC rules stating "a game needs to be 5 min long to have room for optimization"

  6. A platformer has been removed due to the game again breaking SRC rules the same way as 8 bit. But "Angry Birds the platformer" will stay due to it surpassing 5 min and it having potential for optimization.

New Games

For now no more games will be added for a while since all the games that are currently added need to be focused on. One step at a time.

KayumovMaksim likes this
thread: Angry Birds
United StatesClingingTomcat83 years ago

Over the past few months the Angry Birds series has expanded quite a bit, we now have a solid community and lots of awesome people in the community and moderation team. Now, I feel like it has gotten to such a size to the point where I think it's now appropriate to start branching out the moderation team, and not only let the Angry Birds series community grow, but also the community within the games themselves. This means that I am going to start assigning super mods and removing myself from most games (Besides a few that I enjoy, and games that i feel like the skeleton of the game is not completely set and stone yet) I am mod of almost all the Angry Birds games and now i thinks its time to let others carry on leadership without input from me. One ideal I believe in is the balance of power, and I think that ideal is very important for this specific series due to the amount of games that is within the series, me being in the position I am in now contradicts that ideology.

The whole goal of this is

  1. Create a better dynamic within the series.

  2. Help the moderators focus on improving the leaderboards that they run and enjoy.

  3. Give the moderators and opportunity to choose and select others to help them moderate the game with them, to then build a community with that game itself.

                             NEW RULES ON GAME SUBMISSIONS

I used to take game submissions through the official discord, but that will no longer be how its done. With Rovio Entertainment still quite active on releasing games and some official games are still yet to be added, i will be taking requests through the google docs form located here - I will also make another thread dedicated to this link. Since not everyone uses discord, i believe that requests should be made by anybody who is on the site, a user shouldn't be excluded just because they are not part of the discord/community, and google forms in my opinion are one of the most accessible services that anybody can use.

On new game being added it will need some activity and popularity for it to be considered being added, THIS IS NOT MY RULE BUT SRC. So do not constantly beg for a game being added just because its official and you run the game, because most cases you are the ONLY one to run the game.

                                  THE FANGAME SERIES 

With the site mods seeing that a fangame series is necessary they assigned jack to the series, therefor I have no say or input of the direction of the series, nor am I interested of moderating that series. so if you have any questions regarding the fangame side of the Angry Birds series here's a link to there discord -

victu and DiamondBr3aker like this
United StatesClingingTomcat83 years ago

With @TheHSbF6Leo moderating all the games and while there is no more games in the Lep's World series to be added for the foreseeable future, it is safe to say that the Lep's World series does not need a mod. If there happens (For some reason) to be a new game ever, it can be requested through support hub. Lep's World has been growing slowly over the years and i hope it continues.

IcelandBall likes this
thread: Angry Birds
United StatesClingingTomcat83 years ago

Don't worry about the timing if its a issue, we will make sure its timed right.

Tegron likes this
United StatesClingingTomcat83 years ago

All level runs will be retimed in milliseconds. This should then cause a little more competition and clear up any tied runs. Check for series updates.

jackzfiml and JonnyDarcko like this
thread: Angry Birds
United StatesClingingTomcat83 years ago


In response to the growth of the Angry Birds speedruning community, there will be changes that will be made over the next coming weeks, here are the following changes that will be made.

  1. A new moderation team has been assigned/will continue to be assigned for all the angry birds games.

  2. All runs will be looked at again and retimed and changed if needed in response to new rules (Some game rules will possibly remain the same)

                              New rules and changes 

Angry Birds Classic - Original timing rules were that time starts when you click on the level or game mode, and starts when the first frame of the game is shown and time ends when the first frame of the leaderboard is shown. The end time rule will remain the same but, the start time will be changed to once you make your first shot time starts, another change is that, once you go under the 3 minute threshold your runs must be timed in milliseconds.

Angry Birds 2 - NBA

Angry Birds Blast! - All AB Blast level runs will be retimed in milliseconds, because of all the tied runs. This will take a lot of time since there's about 100 runs in total for the levels so it will be a while before all of them are retimed.

Angry Birds Breakfast - NBA

Angry Birds Breakfast 2 - NBA

Angry Birds Epic - NBA

Angry Birds Evolution - Recently added game so no changes needed.

Angry Birds Friends - NBA

Angry Birds Go! - NBA

Angry Birds POP! -NBA

Angry Birds Rio - NBA

Angry Birds Seasons - NBA

Angry Birds Space - NBA

Angry Birds Star Wars - NBA

Angry Birds Star Wars II - NBA

Angry Birds Trilogy - New game, added on 2/2/2021

Angry Birds Category Extensions - Is finally here! Added on 2/19/2021

Angry Birds Chrome - New Game, added on 3/01/2021

Angry Birds Transformers - New game, added on 3/06/2021

Angry Birds Match - New game, added on 3/06/2021

Angry Birds Dream Blast - New game, added on 3/06/2021

Angry Birds Football - New game, added on 3/14/2021

Pigathon event preparations start! on 3/26/2021

Angry Birds Radox - New game, added on 3/28/2021

Angry Birds Philadelphia Eagles - New game, added on 3/29/2021

Angry Birds Lotus F1 Team - New game, added on 3/29/2021

Angry Birds in Ultrabook Adventure - New game, added on 3/30/2021

Angry Birds Breakfast 3 - added on 5/4/2021, completing the breakfast series.

Update 5/7/2021 - Site mods accepted angry birds fan game series.

Angry Birds Reloaded - added on 7/25/2021


Angry Birds [DEMO] - Rejected.

Note - This thread will be updated frequently.

Tegron likes this
United StatesClingingTomcat83 years ago

Really cool to see this game getting some more momentum again!

thread: The Site
United StatesClingingTomcat83 years ago

Could Bad Piggies - be added to the Angry Birds Series - Under Bad Piggies official wiki the game is categorized to be apart of the Angry Birds series. Source - Thanks!

ShadowDraft likes this
United StatesClingingTomcat84 years ago

These ideas are pointless for the game. They would only be good for a category extensions leaderboard for this game, which this game is not a popular speedruning leaderboard so which I would not allow such a leaderboard to ever exist, unless if it was a popular board.

thread: Lep's World
United StatesClingingTomcat84 years ago

I agree, you seem to have a lot of time and passion about fixing the leaderboard so I make you a normal mod just for this game at first then will see what happens from there, I don’t have time to be looking at these run and fixing all of the issues life is just way to busy rn, so it would be good to have a extra hand

thread: Lep's World
United StatesClingingTomcat84 years ago

I’ve been really busy so I haven’t had the time to deeply analyze these small runs, but I will try to look into it and let you know in this forum, if you find something out also let me know in this forum

United StatesClingingTomcat84 years ago

Categorys are still dead now so doesn’t matter either way honestly

United StatesClingingTomcat85 years ago

Well almost a year later and i forgot to add the rest of the episodes, wow, there all being added now.

Legend_R3dd likes this
About ClingingTomcat8
6 years ago
3 months ago
Games run
Emily is Away
Emily is Away
Last run 6 years ago
Last run 6 years ago
Lep's World
Lep's World
Last run 6 years ago
Angry Birds Playable Ads
Angry Birds Playable Ads
Last run 3 years ago
Angry Birds Philadelphia Eagles
Angry Birds Lotus F1 Team
Angry Birds Lotus F1 Team
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Short/Misc. Angry Birds Fangames
Short/Misc. Angry Birds Fangames
Last visit 2 years ago
Angry Birds Action!
Angry Birds Action!
Last visit 1 year ago
Grand Theft Auto Category Extensions
Emily is Away
Emily is Away
Last visit 1 year ago
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Last visit 3 years ago
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (PC/Console)
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Last visit 2 years ago
Mafia II
Mafia II
Last visit 5 years ago
Games moderated
Last action 1 year ago