thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

l4m2, although it is true that IGT and RTA time can be substituted in some minecraft runs, having an IGT timer is still appreciated. And even still having an RTA timer is ALWAYS a MUST. You have to have an RTA timer visible for the run to be valid. This is non negotiable. Timing starts on first input, and ends upon respawning on top of the diversity logo after the minecart section at the end. Just download Livesplit or Wsplit, they are easy to use RTA timers. Additionally, CBenni's timer (which can be found in the resources section in the main Minecraft leaderboards) can be used as an external IGT timer. An IGT timer is REQUIRED for any run that uses glitches, save + quitting, etc.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

A player with a time bar is VERY inaccurate. Here on having an accurate time is MANDITORY. We aren't a third rate speedrunning group, we are professionals. Additionally, that doesn't give us In Game Time which is what all minecraft games are measured with.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

The arrow method is shooting an arrow at the wooden button that returns you to hub. While the arrow is in the air, you have just enough time to open your inventory and put 1 item from your hotbar into your crafting slots to preserve it. If this is a wool, that would save a lot of time as you could skip branches. If you are insanely fast you might be able to get 2 items.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

If a visible timer wasn't required, then how would we ever know what your time was? And like I said, this is a highly grey area. If there were more mods, we'd discuss it and come to a group consensus/ Unfortunately, it's just me. I didn't even ask for the job, I just showed up one day to find that someone appointed me mod without even asking or informing me. I know this is a large grey area, but I'm doing the best I can. And the main reason isn't "blocks touching the bedrock", it's "implied intent". It is very clearly implied that you are supposed to get into the bedrock box via the hole in the bottom. The issue comes from rule #1, the word "implied" is highly subjective to interpretation. What is implied? What isn't implied? With the creator of the map, we can only guess based on the wording of the map. Another way we can tell is by strong words specifically stating "You MAY do this, you may NOT do this", etc etc. Editing the content of hoppers is perfectly allowed, it's the only way to skip the Boss Battle Branch. The issue comes from having to place blocks to accomplish this goal. The exact wording is that "you may place blocks on, below, or around the island". We were never given permission to place blocks ABOVE the island, except to enter the bedrock box. And even then, it's implied that we aren't supposed to be able to alter the redstone in the bedrock box when it says that we cannot place blocks inside the bedrock box. Why else would he say that unless it was to stop us from editing the redstone?

Again, highly subjective, but I believe this is the best interpretation. And also, we can still use the arrow method, which works perfectly fine to preserve one item at a time.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

EVERYONE asking questions about preserving items from the survival branch, please refer to the first post in this thread. It has been edited to explain what is and is not allowed.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

Well the error I was getting was that I don't have apple application support, so the format of the video wouldn't allow me to download it. The second time you submitted it, I was able to download it as a .zip file, and then run it as VLC media player.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

That isn't allowed for the same reason.

Please refer to the first post of the Rules thread, it has been updated to clarify what is and is not allowed.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

You cant place anything inside the bedrock box or around it to modify the redstone. And since you can't take anything from the lobby to the other branches as of yet, the only thing worth preserving is wool.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

The rules are as follows: You may only preserve items from the Survival Branch in the SBO (Survival Branch Only) category. The reasons for this is because of rule #1. This is further explained in the Map Rules thread.

Or rather, those WERE the rules. You make a valid point, if we SHOOT the wooden button and then quickly preserve a wool into our inventory crafting slots, we could theoretically preserve wool, WITHOUT placing or breaking blocks. There would be absolutely no rule against that, as arrows are entities. This completely changes the categories.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

Multiplayer would be it's own separate category. And you can get more than one white wool from the tutorial, but that is useless as you lose all items upon switching to a new branch.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

No, that isn't allowed, as it is implied that altering the redstone in the bedrock box in any way other than intended is forbidden.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

The White Wool doesn't count, as you need to get it before you can enter the survival branch. The rules have been changed to clarify this.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

Yes we did, but the time it takes to climb up there is more than the time those tools save.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

Yes it is, if you explore south west you can find cactuses for the Lime and Cyan wools. There is a large bedrock wall surrounding the entire Survival Branch area, and as long as you stay within that, you are fine.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

Well the reason the exploit is being limited so much is because it isn't technically allowed, although it's a huge grey area because there are rules clearly stating that messing with the bedrock box from the inside is forbidden, so one would assume that accomplishing the same goals from the outside is implied as taboo. You are implied to not do that. Survival Branch Only is more of a meme category in my opinion that a legitimate one. But again, huge grey area, but I believe it is covered by rule 1 of the map, so there isn't really a combination available between getting some of the wool, but not all, from the survival branch.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

There is not rule that I can find against that, so yes, it would be valid, however the only branch where we can technically get to the hub without losing our inventory is Survival. This means that we could in theory get all or some of the wool from the survival branch without breaking any rules, except for rule 1. It is implied that we are not supposed to alter the bedrock box in any way. As such, there will be a misc. category devoted to this, but it will not be allowed in glitchless.

EDIT FROM THE FUTURE: This is the OLD THREAD, please refer to the new thread which is stickied.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

No, because the Map rules ALWAYS apply. Breaking blocks inside the lobby etc. was never an exploit or glitch, but a fundamental rule of the map that must not be broken.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

That is the "No Freebie" misc. category. Already a thing, but thanks for thinking of it anyway!

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

Although we can technically do that, as the rule is we can't place blocks INSIDE the chamber, but you were outside it, we can not break or place blocks in the lobby or pretty much anywhere else (with a few exceptions), so this doesn't really help us.

thread: Diversity
CanadaCavin8567 years ago

You can try using the other minecraft timer. That's the one I use, it's external. How it works is whenever you pause (pressing escape) it updates the timer. It also updates the time every so often normally. Just use that and pause as soon as you finish and it should update. It also keeps time between save and quits. This is the timer by CBenni.!PgRA0DoD!FY1PWCS7EHLtPmASh_7KyOVQpLVPXeWkn-zcGYAekxU

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