BootlegPickle6 years ago

I was watching the new TAS before it was taken down and there was an interesting glitch. If you threw an apple at the exact right moment, you could interrupt the fruit merchant before he did his slashes. It's pretty tricky and I tried it in my run just before and got it something like 4/6 times but I had to get extra apples for the glitch (so I'd have some at the end of the run for other skips) and it gave me a net loss. Unfortunately I know of nowhere where there are apples that do not take time, as none are in the autoscroller level. Good trick though.

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Just in case there were some other ones I didn't spot.

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Hello friends,

in the record run, Jafar is immediately defeated when his staff hits Aladdin, could someone explain how this works?

Cheers, Jesse

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Hello friends,

I was wondering if there was some setup or guide for the "air walking" glitch observed in 4-1.

Cheers, Jesse.

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Hello friends,

while trying to learn this beautiful game, I encountered a glitch that I have dubbed "Flying Donkey Glitch" and it can be seen at just after t=0:42 in the following video:

I kept all footage up to it in case it had something to do with it.

The glitch appears to have had something to do with the jumping enemy itself, but I have not yet replicated it, so I thought I would post it here.

Happy hunting!

DiRamz likes this
BootlegPickle6 years ago


it is not stated in the rules where timing begins and ends. I would think the frame after you select new game and the frame after fanfare starts on King K Rool. It appears all times on the leaderboards use this convention except Diegolazor4 who begins his timer at fade out of menu leading to a half second difference in times (which would also put him at 16:03 due to his timer being at 16:02.74 at final split unless someone did a frame count on the run).

Cheers, Jesse

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Hello, I was wondering why this game was listed as a fan game as it isn't. It was developed by Hummer Team and published by JY Company. It had an official release. It was not a legitimate release but it isn't just some fan ROM or something. You wouldn't call a Luis Vitton bag a fanbag of Louis Vuitton.

The title of the game is also erroneous, it should be Donkey Kong 4 or Donkey Kong 4 Country, the country designation was only on a later release and the title was originally Donkey Kong 4 only as evidenced by its original carts:

and only the third release has country in it, below the title:

the Chinese name is 大金剛4, Dà jīngāng 4 which translates to King Kong 4, 大金剛 being the Chinese localisation for Donkey Kong.

Further evidence: dual boot screen on GameGlitchGuy's run:

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Slapping the side of the bongo counts as a clap, have fun memeing.

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Hello friends,

I was thinking of running this game but I have a few questions, firstly are there any particular glitches that are known? Secondly, I see that only the GBC version of this game is listed and not the GB version. From what I could find, the GB version contains at least one particularly impressive glitch not found in GBC, so why is it that only the GBC is on the list? Also, would it be sensible to separate them into separate categories?

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Hello friends,

I was looking into running this fine game but was perplexed as to why NES and FC were different categories, I could understand FDS but was curious.

Also, off topic but if any of you know where some guides for 1st and 2nd quest are, please let me know, I could only find 1st quest guides.

WolfMerrik likes this
BootlegPickle6 years ago

So I seem to keep randomly finding these crazy glitches.

I caught this one on stream:

I really don't know what happened, I was doing a set up for health underflow and it just happened. I don't recall doing anything special, the only thing is that I was in a flashing state when I left, I only bring that up because flashing states has been linked to the health underflow glitch.

I will upload higher quality video from amarec when it finishes encoding.

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Hello friends,

last night while streaming I came across a very exciting glitch, health underflow. As many of you know, health is an integral part of the run and taking the time to heal costs precious seconds.

Well, last night I had extremely low HP, apparently zero, got hit by an enemy without dying and while in a flashing state performed a screen transition and poof! Health bar was gone. I checked by damaging myself more that this was indeed an underflow as after several hits it would return to the top.

My question now is how to replicate it. I was able to reproduce the outcome several times as demonstrated in the video attached but couldn't get it on all enemies, and by the end of the night I couldn't seem to get it again.

Here is the Twitch video:

Here is the amarec recording:

BootlegPickle6 years ago

So, I had thought about running a 100% run, but have been unable to find the last medallion.

So, the medallions that currently exist are the Ether medallion found in its correct place.

The Quake medallion found where bombos should be.

As far as I could tell there isn't a way of getting the medallion as one would in the original game as there is no ring of stones to throw a pot into.

To verify that the medallion exists, I was able to find it using FCEUX by memory address searching and it is definitely within the game's memory along with a large amount of strange items likely left over from their development period. (the "level 5" sword is the red tunic, and the "level 6" is a shield, the "level 3" tunic is a different green tunic) the item also surprisingly works.

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Hey everyone,

so like every great discovery, this was made offline without local recording and thus I have no proof or evidence to demonstrate or reverse engineer. Lame.

So, I was playing Ice Palace at the location where you have to lift the skull and place a block on top of it to open the lower door. I had not yet placed the block on the lower floor, dashed into the skull, and the bottom door opened. I cannot remember the things that proceeded it and I posit it to the community to have a go and see if they can find it.

This would save probably 5-10 seconds.

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Hello friends, so on a few of my runs, when I reloaded my weapon it did not deplete the ammo. I observed this twice, once with the shotgun and the second with the pistol. I have no idea what triggered this but it's a pretty huge glitch if it can be exploited correctly. I haven't mapped out how much damage each weapon does, but if it's anything like the real game, then the grenade launcher which can be obtained extremely early would be a huge boon to the run.

The second might be me misremembering but I think in a casual playthrough I was able to go through the door above Barry in the dining hall without talking to him but I've not been able to replicate it. This would save maybe 5-10 seconds.

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Some of you might ask why emulator is separated from real hardware runs considering this is quite a rare game to find.

The reason is that due to the non-standard nature of this game, emulation has proven to be inadequate with more than one version of the ROM in circulation; one crashes, one does not.

The other factor is that the game lags quite a bit on console when many sprites are on screen (see just after you get the 4-sided crank) which will be quite a significant difference in real time.

Opinions are welcome, and I hope you all enjoy this meme game with me.

About BootlegPickle
7 years ago
2 months ago
Games run
Cosmo Police Galivan
Cosmo Police Galivan
Last run 6 years ago
Bio Hazard
Bio Hazard
Last run 3 years ago
Aladdin (Hummer Team)
Aladdin (Hummer Team)
Last run 6 years ago
Donkey Kong Country 4
Donkey Kong Country 4
Last run 5 years ago
Aladdin (Super Game)
Aladdin (Super Game)
Last run 5 years ago
Honshogi: Naitou Kudan Shogi Hiden
Games moderated
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (NES)
Bio Hazard
Bio Hazard
Last action 3 years ago
The Panda Prince/Super the Lion King 2
Donkey Kong Country 4
Donkey Kong Country 4
Last action 1 year ago
Earthworm Jim 3 (Hummer Team Bootleg)
Earthworm Jim 2 (Shin-Shin Bootleg)
Earthworm Jim 2 (Super Game Bootleg)