CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

Pretty much what title says, in the bridge the wr is so dependent on the double point power-up that all of the top 5 runs have it.. And Double Points comes only in like 1/10 rounds, so i think this might be a good idea to add this.

(If it cant be added to the main page then add it to ccex)

CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

So I just thought of this new category which would be called Full%, Basically its Any% but the lobby needs to be full. This would make for Example Eggwars Duos much more fun to speedrun since if you want to get a sub 1 you have to rely on 4+ people leaving. Only Problem I see here is that many of the Any% runs are already full lobby, so people will submit one run for both of the categories, but maybe just add something like... If you submit a run to Any% you cant submit it to full%. Hope that makes sense!

Also I think we would definetly need this in the future if something happened like.. 8 people left in eggwars solo and someone managed to get a 1:10, this would just straight up make the category not fun at all and I think full% would be the solution.

Edit : difference between perfect% would be that u don't have to get all eggs/eliminations if that makes sense

RaisinForABrain likes this
CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

I dont really like the way you have to waste your time to find the right maps, so maybe you can add level runs with different maps? I understand it will be hard so maybe dont add all of the categories like the perfect% 5 kills% and No kills%, just add the Any% ( for example the fastest round on this map) just a suggestion :)

Also dont add seasonal maps, since they get added and removed all the time

CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

I think it would be better if in blockwars CTF and blockwars bridges, there would be a category for fastest flag captured (CTF) and fastest goal (bridges) What do you guys think? because really the only categories for blockwars are fastest kill and fastest death and I think these would match with blockwars better. also instead of squads, duos and solo maybe party and no party?

CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

In eggwars no kills can your teammates kill/eliminate other people?

CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

Ik the new rule that you have to record yourself going into the new portal or playing again is so that no ppl try to go at the same time, (teaming) but, it's kinda annyoning and ppl still can go if they are in different lobbies. I got the WR in eggwars solo 5 kills (1:44) (You can go to my profile to check it) but found out i forgot to record myself pressing the NPC .....

Edit : I made this post when I had a trash screen recorder that crashed if I recorded for long, And since you have to find the right map to speedrun on, its annoying everytime you go back in the lobby, stop recording and then have to record again, but now I changed the screen recorder so its no longer a problem :)

CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

i went and found out that the eggwars solo 5 kills is easy to beat and i can even get the WR. currently the WR is 1:45 by joshgreeninja, but then i thought that it cant be that easy. Can i kill the person over and over again?

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