CanadaAwabbatt4710 months ago

That is actually available in the maps section. Click on "Full Game" and scroll down to the map you played on. Click on that, and there is a "Solo" category. As for the main leaderboard, I assume there will be too much categories if this is implemented.

CanadaAwabbatt4710 months ago

The onedrive link seems to not be working, is it possible to post it to Youtube?

CanadaAwabbatt471 year ago

Sorry for the delay, but this has now been added! You can submit your run if you still have it.

SoulO1290 likes this
CanadaAwabbatt471 year ago

Because the nons gave up when they saw that Batt776474 was ingame.

CanadaAwabbatt471 year ago

(upload it from your computer to another platform like youtube)

Funplay122 likes this
CanadaAwabbatt471 year ago

Actually, go to 0:38 and they did show when they entered. As for the map being removed, when this speedrun took place, it was never planned on being removed and wasn't an LTM.

CanadaAwabbatt471 year ago

World Record

CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

Should be removed anyways bc it wasn't 60% of the lobby

RaisinForABrain likes this
CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

Whos next to get demoted 👀

NashTheBasher likes this
CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

Dude I always wonder how this community ALWAYS has NO drama whatsoever!/1/?!/1/ /1/1/1/?! 😳😳 😳 😳 😱Havent seen a single drama event happen ngl?1//1?1//1/1// 😱 😳 😱 😳 🤯😱 😳 🤯 😱 😳 🤯 😱 😳 🤯 😳😳 😳 😳 😱

CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

Yeah but when all of the top 5 runs have double points and double points spawns 10% of the rounds it just makes speedrunning not fun. Again if this can't be added to the main page then maybe add it to ccex

CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

Pretty much what title says, in the bridge the wr is so dependent on the double point power-up that all of the top 5 runs have it.. And Double Points comes only in like 1/10 rounds, so i think this might be a good idea to add this.

(If it cant be added to the main page then add it to ccex)

CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

you could put the value in the milliseconds box, and there would be only one run. For example, if someone got a 12 elimination round in mega, they would put the time 012ms, and any run that has less than that would be rejected, just like longest game used to work!

CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

Its top secret

CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

Everyone sign this petition to bring back line dash!!

Lifqo and KnighterTheAmaz like this
CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

The runner deleted his social media accounts so thats why its anonymous and theres no video.

EmiCh321 likes this
CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

I think all mods are racist

Hider1alduha likes this
CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

@GoldenSpaghettiHoop Yeah I guess it would just rely on having someone take out the eggs.

RaisinForABrain likes this
CanadaAwabbatt473 years ago

There would be no reason for them to reject it as long as it follows the rules and you have the full video.

TrenttheN642 and Juliecat56 like this
About Awabbatt47
3 years ago
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House Of Hazards
House Of Hazards
Last run 6 months ago
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CubeCraft Games
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