The Issue of "Glitchless"
9 years ago
Alabama, USA

We have seen many ask many questions regarding whether or not there is a "Glitchless" category for TTYD. The answer is a big fat no. There are many reasons why, but the main reason is the fact that most "glitches" are technically not glitches by definition. For quick reference by definition of a glitch - "an action that goes against the programming of the game to put it in an altered state or incorrect state. This counts for out of bounds as well". Here are a list of glitches/tricks that land in this gray area:

  • Flip Skip: This is an example of doing a set of jumps that the programmers did not expect for the player to make.

  • Puni Glitch: This one is debatable whether or not it is really a glitch, but overall it doesn't save TOO much time compared to the real glitches in this game.

  • Bookcase Jump: This is an example of just doing a jump the programmers did not expect to be possible. The after affect of the jump by going into the vent is a glitch however by activating a trigger that is skipped to.

  • Yoshi-Save Block Hover: All save blocks are programmed to have a solid surface. Yet again, another jump (hover in this case) that the programmers did not expect the player to make.

  • Wooden Wheel Skip: The wheel is programmed to be solid enough for you to walk on it with Paper Mode, the programmers simply missed this mark on this one.

These "skips and tricks" can save some time in the course of the run. The main glitches of the run, Ultra Hammer Early (or Fish Glitch depending on which version you run on) and Goombella buffer, do save the most time over the previous skips listed. So why the fuss? The main reason is the route. Ultra Hammer Early and Fish Glitch do very little to the route if you were to do "Glitchless" by only saving approximately 25-30 minutes depending on which version you run on. An optimal time for "Glitchless" would be around 6:45:xx. This saves only about an hour and a half over Any%. There is no point to start a leaderboard and create a whole new category because of this reason. The average player who would do Any% would get a 6:30:00 on his or her first run of the game, which again, is only about 15-30 minutes faster than a somewhat decent first Glitchless run. So please everyone, do not do Glitchless runs, they are completely pointless. We obviously won't stop you from doing Glitchless runs, but if you submit a run to the leaderboard with the tag that says it is Glitchless, we will file the run under Any%.

Idaho, USA

How long would it take if there were no glitches or skips used? (Would affect Japanese runs the most)

United States

You'd end up with around 6:30 for glitchless.

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