Low end PC recording
5 years ago
Georgia, USA

My PC can run hat in time just fine when it’s on the lowest graphical settings. A problem arises when recording, though. It’s laggy, and the footage comes out choppy and weird. I use OBS studio for recording. Anyone got any ideas on what I can do to make recording my runs a little better?


The easy answer: Get a better PC

Another solution would be potato cam recordings. You probably have a phone with a camera. It'll look awful, but at least your PC won't be used for encoding video.

A technical answer, would be to change the "encoding preset" in OBS to superfast or something like that. So that OBS will take less processing power

Georgia, USA

Aight, I’ll try the encoding. I’ve been able to record plenty of other stuff easily, so I thought it was weird my pc couldn’t handle this