Are Game Crash% runs going to be added?
1 year ago

Hi, speaking as of today 3 people have reached game crash. Are these runs going to be added under a new category, or does the managing of these runs fall out of the scope and reach of this page? If yes, why?


Just a curious casual,


Edited by the author 1 year ago
grntsz and Oh_my_gourdness like this

problem is is that only like 10 people will every get it. atleast in the coming two or three years. i'd say half wont even submit it here because this place is dead for top tetris talent.

if the mods want add a crash% then make sure you also allow tetrisGym Cartridges to be used for normal runs. that is what 99% of top talent uses. Otherwise the top of the leaderboards will continue to stay dead.

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

As is the case with the vast majority of the most illustrious achievements in Tetris, crashing the game doesn't have much to do with speedrunning. If a leaderboard were made for it today, the fastest run wouldn't be from "the person who tried to crash the game the fastest"; it would be from "the person whose game happened to end the soonest." Also, I'm almost certain that, after getting their 1st crash, every player will be focused on avoiding crashing the game for as long as possible in the interest of chasing more sought after records, including lines and score.

TegaMech, I was considering writing another post detailing everything you said that was wrong in the other thread, but you're proving the point yourself. You claimed that no top player would want to consider going for records on original Tetris because of "going back to the slow loading screens between games. the bad UI. the lack of so much quality of life improvements is just... horrible. and most of all it's a massive psychological hurdle to overcome." And yet within the past 2 days or so, not one, not two, but three different players all returned to the original game in order to do something that literally prevents them from further improving the world record high score in the game. I think this is a pretty strong indication that top Tetris players are capable of overcoming the "massive psychological hurdle" of returning to the original format. I just can't figure out how you could see this happen and still believe that top Tetris players doing fewer speedruns has anything whatsoever to do with what version of the game is allowed. When I gave the bullet point in the previous thread, I indicated that I had already stated it in a previous thread, so I'll now say it for the third time: The Tetris community is almost entirely focused on gameplay that has nothing to do with speedrunning. That's not the fault of any individual; it's just the nature of the game.

If anything, what we're seeing could be an indication of the exact opposite of what you believe; we might be about to see top players doing all their high score attempts on the original version because that's what's actually viewed as the standard. All I hear people talking about right now is the pursuit of level 255 on the original game; nobody is waiting to find out who will be the first person to make it to level 160 on TetrisGym.

It's strange from my perspective to observe someone say that if we're going to add a category that is only possible on the original version of the game, we had better allow people to play other categories on other versions. It's even more strange to observe someone say that only 10 people will achieve within 2 or 3 years what 3 people achieved in 2 days. As is the case with virtually everything, now that people have seen it happen, the floodgates are open. I think lots of people are going to go for it, and I think many people will get there. Finally, it's strange to observe someone claiming there's an issue with lack of activity when, as a Mod off 88 games on this site, Tetris is the one getting the most submissions, with new runs on an almost daily basis.

I think you should be open to the possibility that your feelings towards the rules on SRC may be getting in the way of seeing objective reality. Maybe that's why you think I deleted a CTM account when I didn't. Maybe that's why you're complaining about top players being outraged at the rules on SRC when I haven't received one complaint from any of them. Either way, if you really care about the boards, you might want to reconsider responding to future threads with default anger or pessimism; that's far more likely to drive players away than the rules which have been a standard for NES games for years.

JosephHTobinJr, Razorflame and 2 others like this

thanks for the response :D

firstly. i didnt claim that people wouldnt switch back to the normal version. I was refering to switching back to the original version in order to SPEEDRUN tetris. important distinction. you see going for gamecrash is something that you do for hours and it is worth the discomfort. speedrunning is likely not. (also you reset like once every 5~ min compared to a speedrun that you reset every 30sec on average. this means the discomfort is like 10x smaller)

so yeah. people have a reason to return to original tetris. and once that reason is gone, aka they've stopped grindingfor gamecrash, they'll be back on tetrisGym and the speedrun leaderboard will continue to be dead.

"The Tetris community is almost entirely focused on gameplay that has nothing to do with speedrunning." i partially believe you're right here. Most tetris players wont care for speedruns. But that doesnt get to the point. if TetrisGym was allowed atleast a small portion would be down to play a few speedruns on the side. that's all you need not to have a leaderboard that looks ridicolusly outdated, and is all i want. i want the leaderboard to be good with occational activity at the top, but that wont happen if the mods of this game dont adapt to what the community wants.

"All I hear people talking about right now is the pursuit of level 255"

  • nah. people will grind for lines record or score record. no serious attempts (with any chance) will be made to 255 in the next few years.

"It's strange from my perspective to observe someone say that if we're going to add a category that is only possible on the original version of the game, we had better allow people to play other categories on other versions" -dont worry. im just stating my point from my previous message on the other thread. the reason i dont wanna add the crash category is similar to you. its not really a speedrun and too few people will get it and fewer will submit.

i do wanna say that i was conservative on the number of crashes by people. my guess is 10-13 in 2 years but it could be like 20, and i have a hard time seeing it be 30+

"it's strange to observe someone claiming there's an issue with lack of activity when Tetris is the one getting the most submissions"

  • see, tetris has one the biggest NES game communities so ofcorse it has more runs. however you seem to not have understood my point. these runs that come in are by medium to low skill players. i was talking about the lack of TOP player runs. so this argument doesnt hold water.

"I think you should be open to the possibility that your feelings towards the rules on SRC may be getting in the way of seeing objective reality"

  • i've talked a lot to multiple top players and generally the centiment is that the speedrun scene is dead because there are no members of the tetris community in charge of the leaderboards. you're actually the closest one to being in the community out of all the mods here. and you're not even in any of the discord servers where 90% of the community activity happens on.

i dont care WHY you're not in CTM, i was making the point you aren't in CTM and that's remains true.

also i'll add smileys to make my messages apear more fun and positive. in truth the reason im doing this is because for two years the boards have been dead. and there NEEDS to be change or they'll stay dead. im urging you and other mods to consider taking in someone from the tetris community. ANYONE is good as long as they're actually part of the community

Montana, USA
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Montana, USA
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