Fast Any Percent?!
6 years ago

People want any percent no cutscenes from a completed file

DiamondcrafterA likes this
Minnesota, USA

I’d run that. If I do a stream tonight I’ll run it. I’ve got all day tomorrow so if not tonight then I’ll do it tomorrow. The question is, should it be on the main board or the meme board?

Exciton97 likes this
Minnesota, USA

Should we take the cannons?

Exciton97 likes this
Hampshire, England

....uhh, we're not making that a thing, i speak for the mods on this one i believe

Exciton97, R0main and 3 others like this
Massachusetts, USA

There's no way this will ever go on the main boards, no matter how popular it gets. It's way too arbitrary, and is literally just the same any% levels.

Exciton97, R0main and 3 others like this
Texas, USA

This is a misc cat on the meme boards at best. Not even a displayed cat on the meme boards.

Exciton97, R0main and 3 others like this
Texas, USA

Wait is it just ng+ or just replaying on a completed file

Minnesota, USA

Well this is most likely not gonna happen but it’s replaying the game from a completed file (all any% levels). NG+ is a thing already on the meme boards.

Exciton97 likes this
Texas, USA

lol nice meme

Exciton97 likes this

"Fuck me, any% is too hard. All the top runners are better than me and I can't be fucked to work for a top placing BUT I WANT A WR! What do I do? Shit I GOT IT! Lemme make a shitty forum post knowing no top runner cares about misc. cats so I can get myself a juicy WR. Yea, that'll show em"

R0main, Hypnoshark, and Tomppaa like this

Ergka I will beat you

Texas, USA

@exciton You don't even have a time yet but good luck.

Exciton97 likes this
Minnesota, USA

He got a 27:55 that is waiting verification. Unless it just got verified cuz I haven’t checked the leaderboard.

Exciton97 likes this
Hampshire, England
Deleted by the author

You’re the shittiest meme of 2018, because Ergka sent you!!!


1). Exciton, you can't make a forum post like this, then act like a meme and play the joke card because you know you're wrong. Liking people's comments who prove you wrong and make a meme to Hypnoshark with a valid reason. 2). A high 27 in this meta is good, but nowhere near Top 10 and 3). Beat me. I'd like to see it.

Exciton97 likes this

Kay! Give me a year


I like how you ignored my 1st point... seems pretty obvious of your intent. Don't @ me

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