Reverse Mode and Egg Hunt Tips for STK 1.x
Reverse Mode and Egg Hunt Tips for STK 1.x
Updated 3 years ago by Andet

This guide covers tips specific to reverse time trials and egg hunts. For general routes or egg locations, take a look at the record videos.

Reverse mode tips:

Cornfield Crossing:

It is possible to "jump" over the ramp in reverse mode with just the right amount of speed. If you have too little, you will take the ramp. If you have too much, you will hit the ceiling. For heavyweights, do not get a red boost on the preceding turn. Get only yellow boosts and don't use any nitro. You should skip the ramp consistently if you use this method. If you must use a middleweight for this course, it is still possible to skip the ramp with a combination of red boosts and nitro, but it is less consistent.

Cocoa Temple:

The second ramp will cause some trouble. Go off the very left of it. Right when you go off it, start skidding right and release a yellow boost. You will need to take a quick left turn after this. It is important to tap the brakes as needed. After this, take the left route with the zippers and charge a red boost by skidding left. On the final lap, however, this route is slower, because the race ends before the boosting wears off. So instead, take the right route. On the first two laps, use your zipper a few seconds after landing from the first ramp. On the third lap, you can use your zipper at the end (since you're not already boosting).

Oliver's Math Class:

Although heavyweights are faster in the normal direction, you should use a middleweight for reverse mode.

Candela City:

The trickiest part is getting the big nitro can at the end. Get a red boost on the preceding turn, but tap on the brakes to avoid getting air. On the final lap, just get the small nitro can to the left.


The turn following the golf ball obstacle can be skipped. Use the hole as a ramp to get over the fence. There is also a very minor shortcut after the tunnel. Get a red skid boost in the tunnel and use some nitro. You should have enough speed to fly over the last turn after the ramp.

Black Forest:

Take the same route you take in normal mode, for the most part. This includes the train tracks. The exception is that you shouldn’t follow the train tracks all the way through. Get off the tracks right when you can do so without hitting too much grass. It is possible to drive around the train but it is usually not necessary, unless the train is very early and you have to do so to avoid driving on a lot of grass.

STK Enterprise:

Use the zipper as you are skidding on the last turn of each lap. You will have to use the last one a little earlier, though, in the split path area. Don’t worry about collecting the last nitro can on the final lap.


Don’t take the upward loop too tight, or you will get some air. Take the turn just tight enough to get the nitro can. Go right when you get to the split paths.

Egg hunts:

Most egg hunts make use of a Thunderbird exploit (thanks to Theodore for working out how to use this effectively). If you cross the finish line at the very beginning, but then immediately start driving in the backward direction, Thunderbird will not update your location. In other words, if you respawn, you will go back to the finish line. Observe how the records use this exploit to take faster routes. Use lightweights for every egg hunt except Cocoa Temple, where you should use a middleweight.

Cocoa Temple:

With enough speed you can get the first egg and gracefully drive over the elevated area to the left route, where the second egg is. Approach the first egg by skidding at a wide angle and release a yellow boost.


This is by far the most difficult egg hunt. The first trick (using the hole as a ramp) is very inconsistent and will likely take several resets. There is an alternative route that is a few seconds slower. Watch Theodore’s first run if you choose to take it. There are different ways to get from fifth egg to the area with the sixth egg. You can either drive slow into the fifth egg or you can drive faster into the wall behind the fifth egg and then back up slightly to realign. Either way, follow it with a precisely angled skid to the right of the bridge. Practice getting the last egg, as it is very easy to underestimate how far to the right it is.

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