Preparing for 2.x
2 years ago

So Stk 1.3 will be released soon. There are contradictory info whether there will be an 1.4 or if we will directly get 2.0 like there were no 0.9.4, but I think that we can already start discussing about Stk 2.0 here.

One thing for sure is that Ghost recordings will no longer be accepted as discussed a long time ago ( ), videos will have to be recorded directly while playing, though Ghosts could still be accepted in the cases that do not require proof (for example IL 10% longer than Top Run).

I don't know if some fundamental game physics/mechanics (speed, accelerations, kart parameters,...) will be changed in 2.0 like for 0.9.3 -> 1.0. I am aware of a few tracks being revamped like Shifting Sands or an upscaling of Zen Garden. Thing is, if only a few tracks change a lot and the mechanics remain the same, it would be weird to have a whole new 2.x category where many ILs are basically the same between 1.x and 2.x, with runs that should obsolete each other.

There are plans of making a new Story Mode so there will certainly be a new 2.x for Full Runs.

For Stk Addons, I will make a new Mod some time after 2.0 is out. If there are Standard Tracks that are removed then they will go to Stk Addons 2 and their times must not be submitted here. The already existing thread for new tracks in the other forum can be used to suggest inclusion of new Addons.

You are welcomed to share important Stk development information that affects speedrunning here.

Speedrunners can also discuss about things that should be fixed in 2.0. Annoying things, bugs,... Or suggest things. I think that there should be less Ai karts in the Story Mode... We all know about the Checkline glitch that reduces for some reason the Finish Time in some tracks, this should be fixed. That would notably help for the GPs. I suppose that the unintended shortcuts like the Volcan Island ones or the Gran Paradiso Island Big Jump will be fixed as well...

TheZilag likes this
Limousin, France

One thing for sure is that Ghost recordings will no longer be accepted as discussed a long time ago ( ), videos will have to be recorded directly while playing, though Ghosts could still be accepted in the cases that do not require proof (for example IL 10% longer than Top Run). -Even if I'm not sure to understand your problem with ghost replay, live recordings should not be a problem since 2.0 will get a performance improvement thanks to vulkan. I don't know if some fundamental game physics/mechanics (speed, accelerations, kart parameters,...) will be changed in 2.0 like for 0.9.3 -> 1.0. -Not sure yet, as I told to Alayan it works fine for now. Thing is, if only a few tracks change a lot and the mechanics remain the same, it would be weird to have a whole new 2.x category where many ILs are basically the same between 1.x and 2.x, with runs that should obsolete each other. -Probably most of the tracks will be remade/updated. A 2.x category will be needed probably. There are plans of making a new Story Mode so there will certainly be a new 2.x for Full Runs. -Yes. I suppose that the unintended shortcuts like the Volcan Island ones or the Gran Paradiso Island Big Jump will be fixed as well... -Volcan Island is already fixed in its remake (at least you can't get the lap count). Gran Paradisio not yet. I don't know if it should be. The camera bug should be the shortcut itself not sure.

TheZilag and Fouks like this

2.x is dependent on many things (including new tracks) so there is no timeline at this point. I wanted to go from 1.3 to 2.x but Benau is partisan of 1.4 and I don't contribute much these days so there will probably be some stopgap 1.4.

What I can tell you is that there will be balance changes in 2.x. Some will only affect normal races (items, AI), but some will affect all modes (kart characteristics, physics and the like, and actual track changes). 1.x was a vast improvement over 0.9.3 in this regard, but there is room to make it even better, and it would be a wasted opportunity to not do so for 2.x.

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