Golden Pumpkin Duplication
Golden Pumpkin Duplication
Updated 7 years ago by bluecheetah

The golden pumpkin gotten from the Spirit Night festival on Fall 27th can be duplicated to get large amounts of money in very little time, since other activities can be done while waiting for the festival (like going into the mines).

To do the duplication:

  1. Have a full inventory
  2. Open the golden pumpkin chest
  3. Drop the golden pumpkin on the ground
  4. Close the menu
  5. Repeat 2. through 4. enough times
  6. Open the golden pumpkin chest
  7. Drop the golden pumpkin on the ground
  8. Clear a spot in your inventory to pickup the golden pumpkins
  9. Place the golden pumpkins in the shipping box
  10. You can press the OK button before it appears on the earings screens

You'll notice that you have picked up a lot more pumpkins than you dropped on the ground, specifically, you will pick up 2^(dropped-1). This corresponds to the following earnings: 1 - 2,500 2 - 5,000 3 - 10,000 4 - 20,000 5 - 40,000 6 - 80,000 7 - 160,000 8 - 320,000 9 - 640,000 10 - 1,280,000 Further values are not listed since the size of the stack becomes >1000, which can be a little glitchy, and no route (that I know of) needs more than 1,000,000g.

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