no any% or 7 exit category?
3 months ago
Michigan, USA

I recently have been on a spree of clearing the game with yes the cape star world to the end of the game 8 exits but just recently got down to just 7. I don't see any category for either any% or 7 exits if anyone could let me know why that would be awesome thank you in advance!

United States

Any% is not a catagory because there are people that like speedrunning a certain number of exits like you with 7 exits so 0 exits is britty mush any percent


Theoretically Any% = 0 exit

And maybe 7 exit isn't popular enough ?


The category you're looking for is 11 Exit and its variants (No Cape, Glitchless, Cloud, etc.)

Maybe the confusion comes from the fact that after finishing 11 Exit you get a file with 7 Exits completed.

Y12, Y14, YI4 and Iggy are 4 Exits plus save box, then DP1s, DS1s and DSGHs total 7 Exits plus last save box and then SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4 for a total of 11 exits. Bowser does not give an Exit so the final exit count is 11. After reset since last save box was on the Ghost House you end up with a 7 Exit file.

The "Any%" equivalent in SMW is 0 Exit but the runner should perform Arbitrary Code Excecution (ACE) to complete the run.

keap3, ronaacode and 2 others like this
Michigan, USA

so then do I submit my run as a zero exit or 11 exit? I don't wanna get banned lol this would be when I do one still need to clean it up a bit. I run glitchless so yeah

United States

So I tepends 0n how many exits you do

If you do the credits warp you put it in 0 exits

If you beat the game using as few exits as possible it would be 11 exit so 1 exit in each level

Michigan, USA

so then I don't have to meet the 11 exits requirement if I beat the game in 7 exits? sorry just making sure there's no loose ends

United States

No you will need to beat the game in 11 exits I don't think there is an actual way to beat ​the game in eleven exits unless you do eleven exits the credits warp of you watch an 11 exit video you will see what you need to do

United States

Mingura666 explained it perfectly. Why do you still not understand? imspirtual, you are running 11 Exit.

"Maybe the confusion comes from the fact that after finishing 11 Exit you get a file with 7 Exits completed." - Mingua666

Edited by the author 3 months ago
United States

So star world exits don't count I did not know that


Imspirtual, you won't get banned for not knowing how to fill up the run submition so don't worry; people get banned for stealing gameplays, cheating, TASing, ban evasions, you know, the major stuff. We only ask players to fill up the submittion as accurate as they can because that helps with the moderation process. As I said the category you're looking is 11 Exit.

Shadowbrine1 star world exits do count. After beating the Ghost House at that point you've beaten 7 Exits and get the last save box in the route. Then you complete Start World 1-4 exits for a total of 11 Exits with no save box in the way. As I said before Bowser doesn't reward an exit and when you beat the game and reset the console you'll have a 7 Exit file because your last savebox happened after the Ghost House.

Edited by the author 3 months ago
keap3 and ronaacode like this
Michigan, USA

ok! now i get it! thank you so much! so technically im beating the game in 11 exits but it only records 7. thank you i was so confused all cleared up now


Best of luck with your runs. Hopelly this thread helps others understand the Exits / Save thing in the game.

CabraGrande, keap3 and 2 others like this