Possible category - 1st broodals%
7 months ago

The idea is to beat the first fight with all 4 broodals as fast as possible

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He/Him, She/Her
7 months ago

in other words Any% up to Wooden kingdom (ft. the all the broodals)

Edited by the author 7 months ago
SpeedIn likes this
Basque Country

@GeometryDashFan in any% top route you literaly don't have to battle any of the 3 broodals from sand to wooded, and even in beginner route no one would ever go for hariet lol, it's a middle point betwen any% and World Peace; and besides, you can just rush to the broodal without having to do the rest of the world in wooded

anyways, yea https://www.speedrun.com/posts/6w64a

SpeedIn likes this
He/Him, She/Her
7 months ago

@KilleDragon Ik, that's what I meant by "ft. all the broodals", it was just any% with broodal fights but wooden i guess that could introdunce some intrusting movemet tech

Edited by the author 7 months ago
Śląskie, Poland

An excuse to learn ip skip

Kalaphant and SMOFan_5 like this
Illinois, USA

is madame broodal included?

United States

Doesn’t really matter since you have to beat madame broodal to go to the next kingdom

SMOFan_5 likes this
Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

How about i just whant to d!e%. Because in metro in the Shop there is a guy that says i just whant to d!e.