Rules Update: Video Platform Requirement
Rules Update: Video Platform Requirement
Posted 5 months ago by

Hello! Today making a change to video requirements:

Starting February 2nd, all submitted run videos must be a public (or unlisted) YouTube video or Twitch (permanent) highlight/upload.

There's a couple reasons why we're instating this requirement:

  • Runs submitted on some video platforms, such as Twitter, cause issues with retiming videos to the frame.
  • Some file sharing platforms such as Google Drive are prone to submission errors such as submitting videos that are not publicly accessible. Google Drive/Photos in particular raises privacy concerns, as some people (perhaps unknowingly) have their full name or personal email attached to these videos.
  • Some file sharing platforms are not permanent! It's an issue when the video for a run disappears after a short timeframe.
  • Adding on to the previous point, when submitting a Twitch VOD, make sure to highlight it, as Twitch automatically removes Past Broadcasts after 14/60 days.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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100% and All Badges Leaderboard Changes

Hello Wonder runners!

We have just concluded our poll in the SMBW Speedrunning Discord regarding the "All Badges" category, and it has been determined that the category will now be under the 100% subcategory "No Standees." This also means that true 100% runs will be found under "100% - Standees."

5 months ago
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