ntsc softlock set up
5 months ago
Sicily, Italy

because i can't softlock ntsc smb, there are set up for softlock ntsc smb?

United States

2-2 you can crouch swim above the pipe at the end of the level to softlock(only works with big/fire mario)

1-2 is you line up some blocks you can softlock there by jumping all the way to the top(does not work as big Mario)

Sicily, Italy

but can you wait until the timer finidh

United States

Yea but I think it still counts as a softlock


no it doesn't count as a softlock

the easiest way to softlock on NTSC is to bump a lot of walls like in this video

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11x Categories - New Timing Method

Hey Folks!

Just wanted to announce a new change to timing methods for both 11x categories. The new timing standards are as follows:

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1 year ago