I'm waiting to verify my Fire Mario run.
5 years ago

So It's been a while (like a week now) since I submit my FM run in 26.66 but it's still not verified. My older run takes like 3 days to verified but my latest time wasn't. So I question "Why mods still not verified my run? Are they're busy? What they're doing if they're busy? Well I'm patient a patient guy and I can accept If you[mods] are busy, Just answer my questions please and have a great day! ?

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Dolnośląskie, Poland

Be. Patient.

zsjetu9, drimys and 6 others like this
New Hampshire, USA

Yeah, even though there's 12 mods, they all have lives to deal with. (Work and Family stuff) I've had to wait up to 2 - 3 weeks for my runs to get verified so just wait. They know your run is out there.

I've been waiting 25 days for my 1-1 as fire run to be verified lel.

zsjetu9, TheSpenzers, and Mars02 like this
New Hampshire, USA

I've waited up to 2 months for one of my runs to get verified from a different game before. lol :P

zsjetu9 likes this

im sure the mods have many other runs to verify, yours is probably in the list you just gotta wait

zsjetu9, TheSpenzers and 3 others like this

1 month is usually the max you wait for your run to be verified. So hopefully my run is accepted in the next couple days.

New Hampshire, USA

@AquaBlake Yes indeed. Since this game is VERY popular, it should be obvious that there are many, many runs the mods need to verify. There are hundreds of us, and only 12 of them.


I didn't respond early because I have so many work to do but I think because this game is popular that the queue is full of runs. I'm patient to wait and I can speedrun any% while I'm waiting.

New Hampshire, USA

Good then, that'll keep you company.


I got an update and it still not verified. Newer runs is verified but older ones are not. I think it's time to go to tge waiting game again.


verification time can take different amounts of time based on suspicion, importance, length, etc. be patient. they usually won't take longer than 30 days to get verified.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

But mine is taking longer than than 30 days to get verified.


i said usually b

Illinois, USA

be patient. ive waited looong times to be verified.


The key is patient.

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