5 years ago
Alabama, USA

Hi! I have an idea for a new category extension, that me and a few other runners are interested in. (I've run it myself a few times already). Basically you talk to all the toads in the game, collect all their stars, and then proceed to do bowser in the sky. You need 35 stars to spawn tippy toad so it leads to some fun routing. No blj bans or anything obviously. What do I need to do to get this category added?


heard 12 runners was a mark, but if a category is considered good, less will suffice (see Blindfolded). I definitely like the unique star count paired with the extra Castle movement

North Carolina, USA

This sounds like a very cool idea honestly. I'd be down to run it if someone else routes it.

Alabama, USA

Thanks for the feedback. I can route it, but some of the fun is obviously that you might need to make your own custom 35 star route based on what tricks you know (pless, lblj, etc. aren't tricks everyone knows). Do I need to just talk to a moderator and get runners to run it?

Campania, Italy

Yeah,the 12 runners rule Is Required to get your category accepted!

Alabama, USA

okay sounds good, if anybody is interested in running it let me know!

Campania, Italy

@Diamondsarentforeva I Might Try It Myself!

Campania, Italy

I Did It,I Got A 1:00:35! While It Was A Pretty Good Run,I Lost A Lot Of Time By Trying to Blj Past the 50 Star Door!

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

I tried it and found some Toads I never knew existed.

Campania, Italy

I Decided to Do Another Run And I Got A 46:17 But I Didn't Recorded It! I Used A Timer Instead!


ive been doing runs of toad% from november of 2017 but its i tiny bit different instead of ending on last bowser my old idea was to make it end in a meme so we ended time on wdw clip on the endless stairs

and instead of just calling it toad% and having to talk to all 8 toads i made multiple categories 8 toad (talk to all 8 toads then wdw clip) 6 toad (talk to 6 toads then wdw clip (basicly 16 star with toads and no bits)) 5 toad [1 star and 0 star] (you probably get it by now)

all the leaderboards (3rd is the current and probably final one (shoutouts to dnvic for making the base for it) ) 1st.


and 3rd. (actually now )

we also had a discord thats completely dead right now we tried to hold a 6 toad tournament but it was cancelled

i was super surprised how i even got more than 4 people to run it (me, 2 of my friends and 1 random guy) but ended up with 15 different people who had done a run of it

someone has probably done toad% runs before me but i felt like sharing this

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Campania, Italy

Is it Necessary To Do The Wdw clip? Can't the runner just talk to the toads and enter a random course (or wdw) normally?


wanted it to end in the dumbest way i could think of because it was a meme category (and probably because i hated bits :p)

Newfoundland, Canada

this needs to be a thing


if this doesnt get on this site i have the leaderboard up on my site (and if you want it to end like normal categories i can make different boards for you)

Campania, Italy

No,Thank you! Even though it seems strange to end the category With BLJ To WDW,I Want To Play Like Other Runners and Without Rule Differences!

Campania, Italy

I decided to retry doing this category (especially,the 35 stars version) but i can't just do the blj to WDW! what position do i need to be to make sure it works? also,do i have to collect the 3 Toad stars as well or just the fastest 35 stars i can get?

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Shadow64 likes this
United Kingdom

Surely there’s been 12 runners. If not count me in

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