Posted 1 year ago by

We now have a Discord server for CEs! Come join us if you have an interest in them.

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Posted 1 year ago by

It's time to announce the next sm64 league event. This time our focus is going to be on the nonstop category extension. Nonstop is a code which removes the star grab animation and allows one to continue playing within a world after grabbing a star, opening up interesting routing possibilities. This event will include all three official Nonstop categories: 120 star, 70 star, and 16 star.

About The League

The league is a series of reoccurring team events where sm64 runners can score points for their teams by getting PBs. There is no scheduling, simply do runs when you can, submit your PBs and have them verified within the timeframe of the league. The point system has not be finalized, but we plan to offer two ways to get points. First, a certain amount of points is given based off your final PB by the end of the league (any PB will be worth points). Secondly, you gain points based on your rank relative the other players that joined.

Our last league ran this summer and focused on the main categories, check out the amazing results sheet. If you are interested in joining this league, please fill out the google form listed below and join the discord!



  • Sign up by Dec 14 to be guaranteed a spot
  • Runs must be verified on to count
  • Entrants must join the discord prior to the draft
  • The draft will be on Friday, December 16th (time TBD)
  • Runs must only use the allowed codes (Nonstop, intro skip and soft reset)


  • Event runs from after the draft until Sunday, Jan 15th
  • Experienced non-stop players are encouraged to signup as captains.
  • N64 runners will need access to a gameshark/everdrive or to play on emulator.
  • ROM patches are available in resources section on the sm64ce page
  • Gameshark codes are listed in the category rules and on this site.
  • Usamune is allowed but YOU MUST DISABLE all but the nonstop and introskip codes or your run will be disqualified. For this reason, it is recommended to use codes or a patch.
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Category Extension Discord

We now have a Discord server for CEs! Come join us if you have an interest in them.

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