Question for before starting timer.
5 years ago

Planning on running NG PC redeem and want to ask, is it considered cheating to examine all the stones BEFORE starting the timer in order to get the slow text out of the way? I would consider it cheating slightly but wanted to officially check especially since the WR for the same category under PS4 did exactly that.

In my practise i will not be but want to see what you think mod.

Pennsylvania, USA

I don't know why you would consider it cheating. it's not a glitch and can be done by everyone prior to the official start timer stated in the rules. If anything you are cheating yourself by not doing it to prep the run lol. Good luck with your runs!!

Texas, USA

I think it's a smart idea to kill off unneeded time and to setup for a faster run. So long as it is understood and used by each person. If we are not all using the same system then we are not all competing in the same run.