IL leaderboard update project + changes
7 years ago
North Carolina, USA

Objective: get all the levels in the IL table filled out using the wiki table so we can lock the old wiki


  • Nuked "All Coins"
  • Adjusted "1-1 Warp" variable to only be an option on any% stages where warping is faster than completing the level normally. Now required, default is "No"
  • Adjusted "Exact Frame Capture" variable to be required, default is "No". Don't change this to "Yes" unless you've specifically set up exact (30.0494i) frame capture. (Ask me for help if you're interested in this)
  • Re-timed and submitted all of my old ILs
  • Removed mods who haven't logged in for 6+ months to reduce clutter
  • Set the default full-game leaderboard category to "Warpless"
  • Changed 1-1 warp variable for IL levels into a subcategory for applicable levels for both Any% AND 100% (!!!)
  • Moved PAL warps runs to warps
  • Split up No credits warp runs into No ACE and Magical Journey subcategories in "Legacy Any%" (was the only misc category left so....)

To-Do: done, locking that wiki page

  • Add active people as mods if needed (e.g. submissions sitting unapproved for days) [b]

[b]nevermind, didn't know only mods could submit other's runs

Post questions, suggestions, etc

Edited by the author 7 years ago
andykuma likes this
North Carolina, USA

Finished the IL submissions - report any errors here, or on the discord

edit: also changed 1-1 warp variable to "Restriction" subcategory and added "No Restrictions" to applicable 100% levels where 1-1 warps etc are faster than the standard rules. Just check out the pages for the stages with warps, i think it looks better

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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