i am still struggling with bljs
3 years ago
Maryland, USA

i have still not been able topo pull off a single blj after a few months of trying too get it does anyone have any good tips

Siriuhs likes this
Utah, USA

Hopefully you are not playing on the shindou version of sm64.

LxqZach and Pignickel like this
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

If you haven't been able to pull of a single blj then I can see only few possible issues: Shindou version of sm64 Not spamming A fast enough/wrong rythm

If you pressed A fast enough then you should get a blj by accident at least once after a while. Try the Usamune build of the game (practice rom) and set your star counter to show Mario's speed. Even if you don't pull off the clip first try you should at least see your speed rise.

In other words, even if you don't know how it works you should at least get it once on accident so look whether something external is the cause. Otherwise, practice as always. But yeah, even without consistency you should be able to manage it from time to time.

And, as I said, CHECK YOUR GAME VERSION first! Bljs got patched out in the Shindou version.


Shindou version has BLJ patched, easiest way to know if you have shindou version: Mario say Bye bye instead of so long-a bowser. BLJ is patched and so you'Il never see your speed rise and clip you throught stuff. mip clip has been patched as well. so check out your version MY way of doing BLJ: long jump backward mash A as fast as possible while holding the direction so mario stay STRAIGHT. (if your angle is off you'Il never blj)

Massachusetts, USA

When you long jump backwards, does Mario stop and then start going backwards again, or is it a continuous motion backwards?


you should check this out. May i ask On What do you play? emulator 3d all star version or console?

United States

if you play on 3d allstars or shindou (revised edition of sm64 that includes rumble, blj is taken out[3d allstars is shindou based]) blj will not work.


thats why i asked for his version, 3d all star version of mario 64 is just a translated shindou ._.

Maryland, USA

i play on english n64 version

Maryland, USA

and basically what happens is i start gaining speed but than randomly i stop doing long jumps and lose all m speed

Maryland, USA

Can you show us a vid of you doing it?

Utah, USA

The reason you randomly stop gaining speed might be because you're mashing too hard and inconsistent. Try to keep the mashing at a certain pace.

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