100% Category
1 year ago
Pennsylvania, USA

there should really be a 100% category, unlike other punch out games this one actually has extra stuff beyond the fights until the credits and it makes no sense that it's completely not included in any speedrun categories

SuperGamer64, Nate09, and VigoK like this

Just to point out, there was already two thread talking about how a 100% category could work (albeit one whose title doesn't make it really clear) https://www.speedrun.com/powii/thread/uz6ry https://www.speedrun.com/powii/thread/nwdyz

Edited by the author 1 year ago
SuperGamer64 likes this
United States

That thread was from 5 years ago. Here's an idea of how 100% could work:

First of all, the run would be an RTA category, since the amount of time that would accumulate during the course of the run would be too much to count.

Beginning Time:

A: Time starts upon pressing A to watch the contender glass joe cutscene in career mode. B: If you choose to go to practice mode first, time begins upon pressing A to get that cutscene.


  1. You must complete the 26 contender and title defense fights on career mode.
  2. You must make it through at least 10 fights on mac's last stand to unlock Champion's mode.
  3. You must select a fight on practice mode at some point, to get the practice mode cutscene in the movie gallery. The cutscene only counts if you complete the fight.
  4. You must complete all 27 fights on exhibition mode while in Champion's mode.
  5. You must complete all 81 challenges in expedition mode.

Ending time:

A: You can stop the timer once the final challenge is complete. B: You can stop the timer once the final Champions Mode fight is completed.

(After pressing "OK" once the fight ends)

At this point, everything will be completed. The only thing you don't have to do is get the headgear, since that requires losing 100 times in career mode.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
SuperGamer64 and Hauntz_er like this

I'd still say that after completing the challenge and champions mode, you must still lose three fights on Mac's last stand to get the credit and lock the career mode.

The credit is the reason you should get the three losses last, especially if the game is measured in real time, as it would add a lot to the time if you were to do it before the challenges or Champion mode.

Edited by the author 4 months ago
SuperGamer64 likes this
Ohio, USA

@GUIGUI_ dang. It took a year for you to respond lol

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