Boss Rush Mod Category
3 years ago
Montana, USA

Yoooooo, can we get a Boss Rush Mod Category? Dark Souls 3 has one and I think Sekiro is just as deserving of one, if not more deserving of it. I even have a run I'd like to submit for the boss rush mod, but I can't really do that if there's no category for it.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Your best bet is to join the Discord and simply post your run there so it get's some attention. Boards typically don't make categories for every single speedrun one single person has done. It's a process that starts with interest. If there is no interest for it, there is no demand. And with no demand, there is no category.

That said, I'd be interested in watching it too but curious where you even uploaded that run then because there are no Boss Rush Mod Sekiro speedruns on both your YouTube or Twitch channel.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
ffleret likes this
Montana, USA

That makes a lot of sense, thanks for letting me know. Also here's the link to my run:

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