Clint cutscene
8 years ago
Illinois, USA

Does anyone know what triggers Clint's cutscene in which he gives you the blueprints to the furnace?

Illinois, USA

The day after your first time in the cave.

Illinois, USA

Just tested this, doesn't seem to work...

United States

The day after picking up copper for the first time. You can buy it throw it on the ground and pick it back up to trigger it.

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

For Clint's Cutscene are 2 things you need to have.

  • You need to "collect" one Ore.

I collected ore in the cave, but maybe you can buy copper and collect it after throwing out.

Illinois, USA

TrenteR_TR, after testing torpidsloth is right. You can simply buy copper, throw it on the ground, and then pick it up.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

KK, I wasn't 100% sure about the Sword cutscene.

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