Followup and revised version of BMR
3 years ago

See original thread here:

Hey guys,

So I revised some rules regarding the Super Mario 64 category extension I proposed a few weeks ago. Those are the revised rules:

  1. The rules should be the same as a 16 Star run, meaning BLJ, LBLJ and MIPS clip are allowed. SBLJ is banned to prevent skipping the 30 star door without MIPS (no changes here).
  2. The goal of this category is to beat the game while defeating all 4 main bosses of the game (King Bob-Omb in BoB, King Whomp in WF, Eye Rock in SSL and Wiggler in THI), all UNIQUE mini-bosses (Big Boos and Big Mr. Eye in BBH, the Big Bullies in LLL and the Chill Bully in SL) and win all three character races (Koopa the Quick in BoB and THI and the big Penguin race in CCM). Some other stars may need to be collected to access some of these missions. [NOTE: by unique, I mean no need to defeat Big Boo three times in BBH or defeat the Big Bully two times in LLL. Pick the fastest star associated with defeating Big Boo and Big Bully respectively.]
  3. Timer starts on reset and ends when you collect the final Big Star.

Let me know what you guys think. I have uploaded a video to demonstrate the new rules of the category as a proof of concept. Keep in mind that I'm not the most skilled player, so there are definitely some timesaves that top players can apply for each star and castle movement. Hope you guys will enjoy these new rules. I thought these new additions would make it more fun, more accessible and have more opportunities of routing. Thanks again in advance for reading the post and trying out the category. :)

Colorado, USA

IMO it makes more sense to kill all three Big Boos and both Big Bullies - it just seems incomplete.

Utah, USA
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

I agree. Just do all three big boos, etc. It wouldn’t take that much longer and it just feels… better. No reason not to tbh.

Lower Saxony, Germany

Love that idea! But all three Boos and both Bullies would be cooler. 24 stars sounds better than 21.😂

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