New save minor time save
2 years ago
United Kingdom

I know I'm fairly new, and definitely not the best person to test if this is accurate or not.

But I noticed that the load in screen seems to load one less period after 'saving' if it's not the first file generated that day.

Not sure if that's a minor time save or just an animation thing, but if so, on really small runs (cough parsnip% cough), just throwing the first run after opening the game might be worth it?

Idocss likes this

yeah its like 5 seconds time save or something which should be really good for fast runs

United States

Yeah, that's why everyone loads in a save or makes a file first when they start their runs to avoid that large load time on the first load of the game. Any time you open SDV you have that long load, so you need to do this every time when you first boot up the game.

ItsFreakinEthan likes this
United Kingdom

Ahh, fair enough - I don't think I'd cottoned on that just because runs start on the title screen didn't mean that runs started just after the game loaded. Still something to commit to personal memory at least.

Xynariz likes this
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