platform differences
5 years ago
Indiana, USA

Thanks for the kind words guys!

Indiana, USA

Added Genesis (will add GB after I confirm rules can be the same). Not sure if there's a better way to do it than I did. Also, how do you all feel about making Level (SNES) the main category? It has the most runs...seems to make sense. Edit Went ahead and changed it...can change back if necessary.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Indiana, USA

Ok looks like I need to use variables for the different versions to make it less cluttered...will look into that and update asap.

California, USA

Level mode (SNES) as main category is fine :)

United States

I’m curious if I ever did a speedrun of the Jaguar version if it would be added as a subcategory? I was thinking of giving the Genesis version a shot (the one I remember from childhood) but if I ever had a chance to do Jaguar I might try that too.

Indiana, USA

Considering how different each version is, I would say there's a good chance of that but we would need to do some timing to know for sure. Oddly enough the Jaguar version is what I played it on when I was younger haha.

PeteDorr likes this
United States

So I tried the PS1 version tonight. After giving the Genesis version a shot and failing to even beat level 9, I figured it would be easier. My god, PS1 version is brutal! The shapes move so fast that the shapes can move 2 spaces near instantly and go from 2 spots from the center to the center and give an instant game over, no time to react. Closest I got was 20 zoop clears from victory on level 10 (0 difficulty). Have any of you tried this on PS1?

All I know is I hope the SNES version (when it arrives) is a cakealk compared to Gen/PS1...

Pennsylvania, USA

Thanks for the challenge. I know what I'm doing tonight. :) I couldn't get the Jaguar version to run on an emu, real disappointing.

Indiana, USA

snes version is wayyy easier than GEN, haven't played PS1 yet but want to.

Pennsylvania, USA

The difficulty reminds me of GameBoy. I just came pretty close with 15 zoop pieces away on Level 10 Difficulty 0.

There seems to be much fewer special pieces (springs, spinning wheels, etc). Also, I don't hear a sound when the pieces reach the center edge/box. I had a spring touch the center edge/box and it didn't disappear.

California, USA

I'm enjoying the continued Zoop hype. Keep this game alive!

United States

I had a time where a spring touched the center box and it sat there for a very long time (20+ seconds at least). Eventually it moved to the center and disappeared. And yeah, ps1 version gives no warning that something is touching the center edge. I’m glad it’s giving you just as hard of a time, I was worried that I’m just flat out terrible at this game.

Pennsylvania, USA

Zoop is fun.

Ok, so some more differences (that's why we're here right...) and a small achievement. The PS1 version has distracting flipping shiny pieces everywhere, it's hard to take in the rest of the pieces/colors when they're constantly flipping, spinning and bouncing across the screen. Does anyone know the names of all the special pieces, center box, center piece, is it in the manual?

I definitely had a piece enter the center box (ending the game) and I zooped my 5th spring really after the piece entered the center box. It played the spring animation sequence, cleared the board, and I kept playing. :) (ttps://

Required zoops per level. This is different than all other versions, but probably closest to GameBoy, which in my opinion is similarly difficult. Level 1 - 40 Level 2 - 60 Level 3 - 90 Level 4 - 100 Level 5 - 110 Level 6 - 120 Level 7 - 140 Level 8 - 160 Level 9 - 180 Level 10 - 200

Oh yeah, and I finally beat levels 1-10 on difficulty 0. It took over 15 minutes. I'll have difficulty 4 beat soon. I think I'm going to give my controller a thorough cleaning first.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
stormcrow56k likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

bump I just beat Levels 1-10 on Difficulty 4 on Level Mode. Timestamps 12:56-22:50 = 9m54s

The RNG really helped! Baseline accomplished, I'll time it and submit later. I guess getting Jaguar emulator to work is my next challenge, or possibly Continual mode, which feels so so much harder. :(

*edit 1 day later I've just beat Levels 1-10 on Difficulty 4 on Continual Mode! :) Timestamps 1:01-14:23 = 13m22s

Edited by the author 4 years ago
stormcrow56k likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

I had uploaded those videos to my Youtube back in September, but forgot to make them public, edit the titles, descriptions and submit as runs.

I felt weird "auto" approving them, so sorry for the extra work

Wow, this Genesis Zoop game is no joke. I've spent most of the day on it. I've been close. More to come hopefully... :)

Edited by the author 4 years ago
stormcrow56k likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

Well, 5 months later and the baselines are complete. They're all difficulty 4, which I'm proud of. There's certainly room for improvement, but at least anyone in the future has a time to run against.

Look out stormcrow56k, I'm coming for the last #1 leaderboard spot in SNES Continual. :D

Edited by the author 4 years ago
stormcrow56k likes this
Indiana, USA

Good work Guardian! Get it!

Pennsylvania, USA

Now I've finished the baseline! ;)

I guess based on times alone, I'll say Genesis is the hardest version.

Hardest to easiest: Genesis Playstation Gameboy SNES

Next I'll be checking out the PC version, just to post a high score in most platforms for Zoop on Twin Galaxies. I would love to play the Jaguar version. I could never get it to run in any emulator, and those consoles are SUPER expensive. I'm looking for a cheap genesis, already have the cartridge.