(New Engine) I found a swim speed glitch using a barrel
3 years ago
Colorado, USA

I found out in the swimming stage where you use a barrel to prop climb up into the sewage pipe, you can use the barrel you prop climb with to swim speed hack, I haven't found a way to utilize this, yet when you hold w while the barrel is sideways and walk into the barrel, then pick a direction (a or d), the barrel will make you swim almost 3x faster, I am unaware if this speeds up over time, but could set a whole new route for route canals, and other water levels, maybe even boatless. To add to this, while the barrel is accelerating your player, letting go of the barrel will launch your player in that direction. I have a video of it working, but I am new to speedrun.com

Colorado, USA

If i posted this in the wrong section moderators kindly let me know and I will delete it and move it, thanks :)


Can u post a vid? :)

maltemller, ZCoy and 2 others like this
Colorado, USA

Hey Fleack I can't post a vid on the forums but if you want to add my discord which is on my profile I can show u.


Just upload it to yt :D

maltemller and Lyren like this
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