Minor Strats/Route Talk
10 years ago
United States

Call anyone after shooting the first guy, turn and walk out. Don't exit at the top of the stairs if you haven't seen the text "Follow Dimitri out of the shop." appear. Don't hang up until this text appears as well. This saves ~6 seconds.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Mawfeen, agjents, and Powdinet like this

Push the car to the first marker, back up, hit it.

Havi likes this
United States

The change of route at the start saves around 3 seconds. Getting in on the passenger side of the cab is about 750ms faster than the opposite side.

After the explosion, you have two options, go for a cab or run and then vid warp. If you run, you should turn to the right and run to the warehouse door that you enter during Escuela Of The Street, as this takes 10 seconds while the other route takes 11.5. I can tell you that the cab strat at the end of RtB isn't worth going for as it can only save a second or two if you get an optimal cab spawn and on average will be no faster than the run/vid warp strat.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
agjents likes this
United States

If you want to get the clip capture strat working on Jamaican Heat, SEE MAWFEEN'S POST BELOW!

Who knows, maybe someone will do some tests and figure it out once and for all?

Edited by the author 7 years ago

It does indeed work by simply changing to these controller settings. I did nothing else.


Edited by the author 7 years ago
Kyle likes this
United States

Aim Sensitivity can be left on medium. I'm pretty sure I forgot to change it before and never had trouble.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

It worked every time (a total of two times). You can then turn around and complete QUB3D (you pass it coming in).

United States

Mawfeen discovered that if you kill the passenger in the Pavano's car during Payback (something everyone should have already been doing to avoid getting shot at the top of the hill), you're no longer able to lose them by getting too far away from the car. This allows for the following technique which saves about 1-2 seconds and is much easier/safer due to your rocket-firing position. I've yet to get a wanted level before the mission passes as well (using 1 VD).

WARNING: Do not take this route if you fail to kill the passenger or you will fail the mission.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Derpeth likes this
United States

The focus is on the final drive of this mission. This new route saves 3-4 seconds. Going up and over the grass seems to the be the only way to lose the pursuers as I tried going straight towards the marker's spawn location and even all the way up to barricade, just before the road, and still didn't lose them.

United States

Some old and new techniques, with explanations: Part 1 -Just before gaining control in the bank, spam jump and hold W, switch to the SMG in midair, hold sprint and press jump while going down the stairs to quickly descend (Derrick's dialogue will not be heard if done optimally) -Shoot Packie twice with the pistol to skip his dialogue -Hold sprint and W during the fade in and call Brucie ASAP, let his voicemail play, switch to the grenade when Niko hangs up and immediately begin to prime it (I believe the call, done in this manner, is what speeds up the first section of the shootout) -Aim your grenade as I do, kill the spawns, move to the corner and wait in that spot while firing some shots into the car (you're waiting for Packie/Derrick to reach a trigger point so the car can be blown up from a few shots) -There's armor near that car if you need it -Run to the alleyway

Part 2 -Done optimally, the subway entrance across the street is faster by a tiny amount -Hold sprint and continue to jump while descending the stairs, always stay to the right of the railing in the center -Run past the cops (health on the left if you need it) -Quickly kill everyone below and move to the where Packie/Derrick will turn around to shoot -Call Brucie before P & D reach the pillars, hang up when they begin to move towards the tracks (I'm unsure if this speeds things up by a tiny bit) [watch your health] -Everything else is self explanatory from here on out

United States

Everything seen here is self explanatory, other than: -Jump just before triggering the cutscene to get as close to the informant as possible -Have the grenade ready, aim at the informant, drop one at his feet and run inside -The rail climb saves about 5 seconds and is extremely consistent if you move into the corner, aim and turn to the center of the upper platform, wait until the camera zooms in, then press W and jump to climb -Run straight off the rail and into the other rail to hit the trigger for the next section (you'll probably pick up the health on the left if you're able to) -After dropping the grenade in the center of the room, reach the kitchen entrance and turn around to trigger the next section

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

The only thing new is how the first pickup is handled (saves about 5 seconds): -While waiting for the next yellow blip to appear, hold W and S, let go of S and begin to hold D once the yellow blip appears on the radar

United States

It's a bit faster to vid warp after Truck Hustle, call Bell (unlocks Pegorino) while looking for a taxi, then taxi to Pegorino.

United States

This is now the best route, but you didn't read that here.

Edited by the author 6 years ago