Mountain Skip (all skips)
6 months ago

What if people do the mountain skip? Is it verifiable in the all skips category? And will that mean it is a substitute for the snowman skip?


no, no, no

Hawaii, USA

nope. all skips will remain chimney slide furni snowman, and ultimate all skips will remain chimney rail box skip from slide skip furni mountain. unfortunately I can't think of a way to make these less arbitrary. ideas are welcome.


what about a challenge category with mega furni skip and mega mountain skip to replace mountain skip

Hawaii, USA

mega furni skip has been done exactly once in all of time, so not yet


It obviously could not allowed in all skip

i think u need to do a snowman skip then go back to do mountain skip which is not allowed @monkiy


Well if you do mountain skip but you also do snowman skip (mountain skip becomes a detour but you do you lol) it does fill the requirements

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