6 years ago
North Carolina, USA

And as a side note, where did you get that I was speaking for the majority of the community? I was giving my opinions, not speaking for others.

New Jersey, USA

Jarhead is here to cause drama, not because he actually gives a damn about the community. you're better off just ignoring him

Dry_Yoshi likes this
New Jersey, USA

anyways outside of the shit flinging, it doesn't matter what we say considering that unless a mod actually wants to add the ILs, it won't be added


@Jarhead_71 How many of those stars would be empty though? No one is actually going to upload 120 different Speedruns and if people aren't interested in running the stars why put them up there? I understand what you are saying by the fact it would attract people to the community as there seem to be a lot of resources etc. But is a leaderboard full of empty ILs really worth the time and effort for it to be made? (and before you say I haven't run the game, I have i just haven't uploaded any runs).


if there is literally anyone who got attracted to speedrunning a game by InSt ldb's pls tell me

Michigan, USA

@Jarhead_71 I was trying not to start that conversation again, and I stopped responding because we were going in circles and obviously you're still just going to try to destroy every discord server you encounter that you believe wrongs you, regardless of me telling you that it's so unbelievably childish. I also responded to you in a respectful way on here completely pertaining to the conversation, and now you're bringing up other unrelated bullshit. I stand with my point that you getting mad for others' credibility makes no god damn sense considering you haven't ran this game. It seems you cause an issue in every forum or server or whatever you're in.

New Jersey, USA

ILs work for a few purposes-can attract new runners (although unlikely), and most importantly (which is what IL boards are for) is to keep track of the IL times. i go to the IL board a lot to know how to improve my ILs and what different people do, since skipping around random runs hoping to find what i’m looking for is annoying as hell


Sunshine had a spreadsheet with guide videos for each star in the any% route with beginner/intermediate/expert starts. Maybe something like that would be better for encouraging new runners? I think having ILs isn't really as viable with Galaxy like they are in 64 and Sunshine coz in a normal run you can't skip cutscenes and they can sometimes/most times affect the patterns in the levels which makes them not as beneficial for people learning.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Gelderland, Netherlands

If you really want ILs I suggest making a spreadsheet where people can submit their times. Having every individual level on the leaderboard is just too much work to make and maintain, but an "unofficial" leaderboard that doesn't need video proof should be a lot easier. Make a new forum post about it and I'll pin it for you.


yeah, and the fact that some1 named "theALTman47" that we have never ever heard of before is not suspicious whatsoever ofcourse. Really clever Kappa

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Franche-Comté, France

Mmmhhh, interresting...


Yeah. Unofficial ILs sound like a better idea. You could link a document to resources that people can edit themselves? You could even add a link to your video for it easy enough. Sunshine has the same sorta thing actually. Have a look in Sunshine resources. I have a personal spreadsheet that I use to compare my gold splits to others to see where I can improve my times. Perhaps a spreadsheet where we can all put our gold splits would be good too?

Colorado, USA

Here you go. Its work in Progress But feel free to help out (I only have ran ILs so yea) If its stupid then i will get rid of it

Edited by the author 6 years ago

I'm glad we were able to find an agreement :)

Colorado, USA

Thanks guys :D

Colorado, USA

Hello everyone! I can happily say That now we can stop arguing. Check Resources

Edited by the author 6 years ago
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