Why did my runs got rejected?
4 years ago

I submitted two runs which are: They all got rejected. The reason is 'No mods allowed other than Optifine' But I didn't use other mods.

Crsuh2er0 and KilleDragon like this
Basque Country

Yeah, by the rest, I look legacity those runs, I dont know why been denied The only reason I was imagining was the platform you submit it, reason which also would bee completly unfair, but I dont know that have something to look with "No mods allowed other than Optifine", so I dont know

Ps: Wow, China, nice :D

Edited by the author 4 years ago
MiniCuby05 likes this

The runs use HCML, which seems to modify the client (as evidenced by the modified Minecraft version)

MiniCuby05 likes this
Basque Country

@luckytyphlosion sorry, Im an ignorant, but what is HCML? In all case, it dont seems he do nothing bad

MiniCuby05 likes this

oops, I meant HMCL. it's a mod loader: https://github.com/huanghongxun/HMCL

MiniCuby05 likes this
Basque Country

Ah, that is, okey

MiniCuby05 likes this

@luckytyphlosion Well, HMCL is just a launcher. It doesn't contain any mod itself. The only mod I add is Optifine.

KilleDragon likes this
Basque Country

Yeah, @MiniCuby05 its true, I continue without understand what the run have of bad as well

MiniCuby05 likes this
Portland, OR, USA

HMCL does contain mods itself. They are fairly minor, but they might have some effect we don't know about and additionally we're kind of wary of the precedent that allowing it would set.

MiniCuby05 likes this

@AprilSR Okay, I understand.

KilleDragon likes this
Basque Country

@AprilSR it sound logic, but youre literaly deleting a run just because you presumme there can be mods you doesnt know about it, literaly you criticate something without know if it exist and without proves of that exist… Maybe is logical, but its unfair

And, if you mean there are mods you doesnt know about it… There can be also that mods you doesnt know in the normal and tipical server, until if there are not startly installed?

In all case, if you doesnt know more about HMCL, you should have to investigate more about it, or you or another someone, before to youst rejected it

MiniCuby05 likes this
Portland, OR, USA

HMCL is a mod. It modifies the game, however slightly. This is sufficient reason in and of itself to reject the run. Optifine is the sole exception to this rule.

MiniCuby05 and KilleDragon like this
Basque Country

Okey, I understand in that point to be rejected yeah In all case, would be nice to be investigated and proved to know in general if it can be used or no and if there is any difference or not

Edited by the author 4 years ago
MiniCuby05 likes this

The first one was insanely suspicious, you decided to dig one very specific block that had great loot (looks like a treasure chest) and you dug a even more suspicious hole to a ravine, which it took you a few seconds to do and was insanely suspicious because of how specific your digging was. The second one was suspicious it's obviously fake, if I were a moderator seeing a speedrunner do something so odd and specific I'd say it's suspicious enough to be rejected, you get great loot by doing something that isn't normal, I can't be 100% sure it's fake but I can easily tell it's insanely suspicious and looks fake.

United States
  1. Year.
Owfi likes this
United States

these look like set seed runs my dude thats why they dig down in specific spots


Set. Seed.

South Carolina, USA

Guys, they haven't been active since this post was made 1 year+ There's no reason to answer them if they won't see it. So please, in the future, don't reply to old/inactive accounts.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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