Rules Update (Providing Seed)
4 years ago
Portland, OR, USA

Coming into effect on February 1st, runs will now be required to put the seed used in the submission comment. If a runner does not include the seed, we will reject the run and ask them to resubmit with the seed included.

For random seed runs, do /seed after the run has been completed and time has stopped in order to find the seed. Do not do this before the run is complete.

There's currently a seed variable: this is being phased out and will be removed in a few days. Please include seed in your run comment, do not just use the variable.

Aiden8rr, Propants, and KilleDragon like this
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Updated requirements for Category Extensions

Submissions for Category Extensions must now follow the same standards of showing F3 asked of main board runs - showing the title screen will no longer be considered verifiable going forwards.

14 days ago