What is going on in this community?
5 years ago

Touch screen leaderboards are wierd. All runs on the leaderboard rn don't show touch. The runs: https://www.speedrun.com/2048/run/m7p6345m https://www.speedrun.com/2048/run/z11gro7z https://www.speedrun.com/2048/run/zp03j68m Mine also doesn't show touch, but for some reason it is being rejected? https://www.speedrun.com/2048/run/z11go6gz Can someone please explain this phenominom? The WR run rn might not be using a keyboard, but it is extremely fast if it isn't and if the "show touch" rule is in place, I believe that these runs should be taken down in order to support the rules and not clearly give Rubiksmath WRs he didn't achieve. (Although his keyboard runs seem fine)

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Pear and tuff_lover like this

Also, I find this rule disallows IOS players to speedrun the game unless they buy a separate camera altogether which I don't believe should be required for speedrunning 2048. However, if this ruling was a community decision, then I simply believe the rules should apply to everyone, especially someone who ran touch screen with a PC. I simply ask that your ruling is consistent, especially since the mods have written on forum posts themselves that they are unsure of the rules.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Pear and tuff_lover like this

16 run must be deleted, cuz no touches...you're right bout that!

Victoria, Australia

The touch screen PC one did show a touch bubble, however it was before the run and not during. Not sure why the other runs were accepted, maybe they were done before the rulings were set in stone? There was quite a bit of discussion last month on the rules and it was a bit confusing to everyone.

Texas, USA

You seem so deadset on exposing Rubiksmath as a cheater to some extent but he does use touch screen for his touch screen runs and whether he forgets to have touches show or not, that's just an oversight on his part and his runs are legit, he's spent a lot of time on the game over the months so I can understand how some of his runs may look unbelievable at first glance so please just stop bitching here about touch screen this and Rubiksmath that for gamer points on a speedrun forum, if you're so desperate for things to be done, DM a mod, Nei's a good person to talk to about pretty much anything for this game.

Ohio, USA

We have already explained to you that we are in the process of combing through the leaderboard and rejecting runs that do not fit the current rules. Unfortunately, some work was lost when SR.C was hacked and the site owners were forced to restore a previous backup. Your runs were denied because they broke the rules - plain and simple. 2048 has a very low cost to entry, all things considered. The game is free and most people already have a phone or computer capable of running the game and there is plenty of free software out there to record runs. Investing maybe $20 in a webcam is probably one of the lowest barriers to entry I have heard of in speedrunning.

Queensland, Australia

oh so apparently scrolling before he run is not good enough? the touches in the run are shown, they grey touch marks just blend in with the grey background. im so confused at why people have problems with my runs rn. I only ever cheated once, to prove a point, but cheating is wrong and i would never do it other than to prove a point.

SaturnTheWolf likes this
United States

My feeling is as follows: The keyboard LB is already kinda a joke. It's %100 RNG, in that you hold down a few keys and hope that the numbers on the right are small. The PC version is insecure and unreliable. The truth of the matter is there is no way to 100% know that a pc run is valid. Serious, go the the website and press f12 (on chrome). You can view AND EDIT all the source code for the game, as it is coded in HTML and Java. Mobile runs do not have this luxury. There is no feasible way to cheat the system on a mobile run. That's why the high tile runs of mobile are very obviously not just RNG. The barrier for entry is kinda irrelevant imo. If this game were easily accessible, then more people would run it. Instead, anyone that looks at the LB and sees these impossibly fast runs will just turn away immediately because it's just not fun when there is no prospect of competition and little required skill involved.

Again this is just my opinion. Feel free to disagree if you'd like, but until these boards become fair, no one is going to take this game seriously as a speed game which is a shame because there is definitely potential here for something fun and competitive.

Warnkemad likes this
Ohio, USA

You could use the same exact method on a touchscreen computer.

Texas, USA

You can use the "impossible-looking fast times = unfair" thing for a lot of games on here. Someone who just completed Monkey Ball 2 story mode in an hour sees the record and a lot of runs are under 30-33 minutes, how is that fair? How would they ever reach that level of skill? Similar to how patience gets you good times in this game, actually learning what the WR does or strats that are similar enough after you've gotten used to the game's movement will get you somewhere. Here's an even better example because of how RNG-heavy this game is. Let's say someone did golden rod (catching all the fish) in Animal Crossing in 3 and a half-4 hours and saw the world record is under an hour and several runs are under an hour and a half. What you can do to achieve a good time like that is learn the useful things like how to set the time back, mashing consistently, small time saves in chores, etc. and when you have that down, time and patience will get you results.

Virginia, USA

I agree with Windex. As far as I'm concerned, the keyboard WRs are a bit ridiculous.

After the bug is patched, will those records be wiped? Because at that point the records would be unbeatable. We assume it'll be fixed eventually, so why accept them now anyway?

We should instead be ignoring those runs, or pushing them into a 'glitch' category like other communities, so that our front facing leaderboard isn't a barrier to entry.

Or at least have the touchscreen category be front and center. That way people will see a time that they can dream to one day beat.

I'm not a speedrunner by any means. However, I've always loved playing 2048 on my phone. My sister and I even send screenshots of our new highscores to each other to show we beat them. So when my boyfriend(who loves speedrunner), told me that the then WR for touchscreen was 8.5 minutes, I knew I could beat that! That pushed me to try, and less than an hour later I had a video with me beating it.

I don't think we trying to squash that. I know that unless someone specifically looks online for bugs on how to run 2048 like the current top runs, they will never try. And it's not like we have a sticky detailing how to do it either.

Conclusion: Much like we all wish they would region lock China in PUBG, can we please move the glitch runs to their own category?

Texas, USA

Glitch runs will most likely be moved to a glitch category but that's just one of many things that needs to be done. I disagree with making touch screen the default or front page of this leaderboard though because the game was originally made on PC and that's what most people run it on.

Kansas, USA

I don't understand why the same people claiming to be interested in utility for as many runners as possible are trying to revise the premises that runs are accepted by, with provisions like PC runs need a keyboard cam, etc. Also, in what way are the PC times an unrealistic notion of what is possible with the game? Only a few 2048 PC runs are even glitched at all, and all of the smaller tiles have been moved to misc as appropriate. People have also gotten far better times than the current leaderboard suggests before the glitch was found, and the glitch will only make a difference of ~10 sec at most if you're competitive at all and have a sane amount of free time to RNG grind for 512+ starts. My glitchless 1:03 PB demonstrates that. That being said, complaining about the current times being unattainable when they've been clearly vetted and shown to on a website whose PURPOSE is to rank times and provide information about exploits/routing strats comes across as extremely childish. If you aren't good at something, literally do anything else with your life omg

Edited by the author 5 years ago
United States

I get what you're saying, and I have stopped running this game altogether for the most part. The fact of the matter is there is very little skill involved in the glitched runs. This is not equatable to SMB2 or Animal Crossing because: A. These runs are literally 360+ time longer than 2048 runs B. There is more than just straight RNG involved in those games (ESPECIALLY in Super monkey ball). Those records are unattainable because the top runners have put so much time into mastering the game and its physics that you would have to spend hundreds of hours to reach the same level of skill. Grinding frame perfect tricks and fractional angles is much different than holding down a few keys and clicking MB1 every few seconds. This paradigm is reflected in many popular games actually. Like legitimately, who would enjoy grinding Any% runs for a game like oot? It's 5 minutes of cutscenes and 10 minutes of gameplay. This is why the runs people actually grind are categories like MST and 100%. It's challenging and there is a margin for improvement. I'm not saying these glitched runs shouldn't be valid. I just think that they shouldn't be the main focus of this game. I think splitting the categories is a great idea and, honestly, I think a hand cam is a great idea. Literally all you need is a smartphone or any type of camera and a free editing software like HitFilms Express. At this point there is no excuse not to have something like that. It's still just as accessible and if you are too lazy to spend 5 minutes editing you probably should pick a hobby that doesn't involve having to commit a lot of time to to be good at, like knitting or politics. Also, people keep saying that, if it's an issue, I should just use a touch screen computer, however this is not an actual solution. This doesn't fix the underlying problem with the leaderboards and rules that allow runs to be actually unverifiable. All it does is make people not want to run this game, and I am clearly not the only person that feels this way. People who actually enjoy this game are not running it because of the problems with the rules and boards.

Warnkemad likes this
Kansas, USA

A handcam actually isn't the worst idea because it would make a splice harder to fake. I'm assuming you're talking about it for all categories, current or otherwise. I disagree that the glitch lowers the skill level of the game substantially, but not because getting to 512 is easy for anyone. It's just that because RNG is for the most part an even playing ground for anyone willing to put in the time, and every part of the game is a translatable skill. There is some variation in how well people can merge in the early game, but all the glitch does is remove that early stage in favor of risking more towards the end since you can get on more runs. I'm not really sure why we haven't already split glitched and glitchless since there was a vote, but it's not gonna change the board very much or enhance the culture behind this community. Also the argument of why don't run other games doesn't really hold any ground here, because I know for a fact I'm better now than when I was first trying to sub 1 and clearly the boards are currently not stratified by RNG or even predominantly RNG. Yes, there are plenty of games where the top runs on the leaderboard poorly reflect the experience of playing the game, and I don't think it's even particularly controversial that the speed aspect is a side branch of this game to begin with (just search "2048 world record" and see what dominates the search results). However this site's entire purpose, again, is to provide a haven to the speedrunning community (eponymous to the activity regardless of the culture behind the game). There's a weird element of subjectivity being argued for here that I highly doubt the mods are going to be able to accommodate. The High Score category wasn't removed because people didn't inherently value playing 2048 for a high score or because others didn't like the approach other people used to get a higher score, it was removed because that's not the purpose of the site. I don't even really see the glitch as something specific to this game, since that's how a keyboard behaves when you hold down any number of keys at the same time in any application. By definition a glitch would malign the actions one has to take to meet a defined purpose, this "glitch" doesn't change the nature of the game at all.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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