Button Mash Calculator - quick and gritty but handy program I wrote
8 years ago
Florida, USA

Button Mash Calculator is a small tool for calculating your average button presses per second. You may choose from three timed options: 5 seconds, 10 seconds, or 20 seconds. You may use all four main face buttons. The program also keeps track of your personal best mashing.

Screenshot: http://um.nope.me/20z8mCmb.png

Download: http://www.speedrun.com/tools/Button_Mash_Calculator_buqly.zip

You'll be prompted to first press the button you're going to mash. Begin mashing. A timer will begin based on your selected option. Once it hits zero your results will be displayed.

It's nothing fancy, written in less than half an hour, but I wrote it for the community to figure out where they're button mashing is when it comes to actually using a controller. Also useful for testing new mashing techniques and comparing times with old techniques. Please report any issues you may have.

Should work with any XInput controller (Xbox 360, Xbox One), which means a DS3/DS4 controller + InputMapper should work fine.

Roo likes this

I was gonna say I'll add it to the resources section, but apparently that was already done! XD

Thank you CursedToast! :)

Florida, USA

^ Yup, I found that site too and was messing with it earlier (and used the same press/release graphic they use). I wanted something that I could use without messing with InputMapper profiles and that keeps track of personal best times locally (without being accidentally erased if you clear browser settings) :)

Also, the website is kinda a pain in the ass having to click to see your score and dealing with the goofy animations every time (as well as having to then do the math). This is a minimalist straight-forward solution that does the math for you :P

United States

What's everyone's mash input? Mine's 13.5 on a good day BrokeBack

Florida, USA

My PB right now is 12.6

Florida, USA

Derps time (posted with his permission):


United States


Some feedback:

an alternate mode where the countdown starts as soon as you start mashing might be ideal.

The Hudson Shooting Watch does exactly that.

You should also include an average.

Also @Liv I have the slowest mash of anyone in this thread. I wouldn't call mashing the difference between a PB and a WR. You're more likely to lose more time on a bad dodge.

CursedToast likes this
Florida, USA

Updated the application (the download link in the first post should still work).

Changes: 1.) There is no longer a count down timer. You start the test timer when you begin mashing (as suggested by Carci). 2.) You can retake a test (with the currently selected time) by pressing the space bar. 3.) You can select a different time by pressing the T key. 4.) You can reset the application altogether (allowing you to choose a different mash button) by pressing the R key. 5.) In addition to your mashes per second and PB being displayed, your total final mashes are now displayed on the results screen.

2 and 3 allows you to skip setting what button you'll be mashing with all the time. If requested, I can also update the program later to "remember" your mash key (and reset it with a command key later).

This update may or may not contain bugs... I think I have it solid, but I did a lot of code removal/changes so something might crop up... if so just let me know and I'll address it ASAP.

United Kingdom

Run button: http://i.imgur.com/QktOvRF.jpg

Analogue stick: http://i.imgur.com/CkVm7re.jpg


Holy crap, 15.80! O_O

I'll have to try it again this weekend when I'm home but it was like 10.5 when I tried last night. And the longer I do it, the smaller the number.... ;_;

Update : That's what I get when I try to do it for 20 seconds! XD


Fuck it hurts...

Florida, USA

Hahaha, 20 seconds is just there as an endurance test. 5 seconds is probably the most accurate (the graveyard stairs takes about 4-5 seconds right?). What's your best time for five seconds, Lileya?


That 11.40 (PB) was on the 5 seconds test. I think I could hit 12 if I kept trying. I'm just very inconsistent when it comes to button mashing! ;_;

Graveyard stairs takes between 4 and 5 seconds depending on how quick you are going up and between 3.8 and 4.5 seconds going down (if you mash at least 10+). For some very strange reason, it's quicker to go down than up...


i have 1000 button mash i win so can i have a cookie please? no seriously i want to try this out it looks fun

Florida, USA

Download it and plugin your Xbone controller into your PC :)


i would but the program wont work for me probably down to my os :(

Florida, USA

What OS are you running? Any more details besides "wont work" so I can see if I can fix it for you?


my os is chrome its crap i know thats literally the only reason it wont work

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