dumb category extension idea
2 years ago

MLG% - Do a water bucket MLG from a drop that would kill you on full health. Time stops when you take the water back in a bucket after performing the MLG. (For ease of verifying, after the run players should go back to the place they jumped from and show that the drop would kill you)

Owfi, Simonnyyy and 2 others like this
United States

That's actually a good idea. Maybe some sub categories like slime% or bed%

South Korea

just take fire or lava damage and land on a hay bale lmao

Tutterey likes this

good idea

New South Wales, Australia

It’s too easy

guys its specifically a water bucket mlg yall are idiots

United States

but what if there was slime% or something like a sub-category

i guess but water bucket mlg would be the better one lol

Basque Country

sharing a category that you think is dumb lol nah but just a litle problem: for each individual verification, how you get to the conclusion that the fall damage would have killed you yes or yes, and how you take that in account when running

Tutterey likes this

it has to be from 23.5 blocks up or more so no matter how much health you have you die

South Carolina, USA

You could just require f3 like in high%

Basque Country

well, beside the fact that ye f3 would be requires it would be a strat being damaged from before, if not it kind of loses part of it

South Korea

spawn in acacia village get bucket from chest scoop up water from farm jump off mountain fail the clutch sadge choked world record

Edited by the author 2 years ago
astrolite and Owfi like this
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