Need help with Highrise OOB
7 years ago

Hi, I'm new to speedrunning, and I absolutely fell in love with this game from my first casual playthrough, so now I really want to learn the speedrun, and right now I'm really struggling with the oob in the Highrise, I get my health low from the spine when I'm using the terminal, the turn begins, I move as far to the right as I can (which is the door with the code) I execute the turn, and afterwards I just don't understand what I need to do. I've watched half of the speedruns but because the terminal is blocking most of the screen, its really hard to understand what needs to be done. Thanks in advance, stay awesome! :D

kirlimfaul likes this
Drenthe, Netherlands

When the Turn triggers, just end it immediately, you're only using it to gain movement.

Go through the underpassage, then while in that animation, dismiss the OVC so you can activate Turn. Then undo the movement so the game doesn't reactivate pathing.


This was definitely the hardest trick for me to get my head around as well, mostly because there's not a lot of clear-cut explanation on it (from what I could find, at least).

In short, what I do is:

  1. Take enough damage to be 1 hit away from death.
  2. Activate the terminal and wait to get hit again.
  3. Move right to the door and activate it.
  4. During the "transition" from using the door, exit the OVC.
  5. During the animation, I basically just spam Turn.

Doing that properly should put you in the glitched OOB state. The timing for Turn after going through the door can be a little tricky, since you need to basically activate it as soon as you can. Like Onin said, you can end the first Turn right as it triggers, because you don't need it at the terminal, but I have personally always moved to the door during the Turn. I don't know if it really matters, but that's how I do it at least.

kirlimfaul likes this
Drenthe, Netherlands

If you use Turn time to go to the underpass, you can't immediately use it because of the cooldown, so you're kinda making it harder on yourself that way.


Hi again, Thanks for your replies, the only thing I lacked is that I needed to activate the door and now it works just beautifully :D Now I can continue on my path of learning this speedrun.


[quote=Onin]you can't immediately use it because of the cooldown[/quote]

I don't know how I never realized this. Seems like this explains a lot of the times where it felt like I did it perfectly but didn't get OOB.


Also I've noticed that for me the elevator skip to Spine is really inconsistent, I managed to pull it off twice, but never after the 4 attacks as shown in the vods, even though I try to place myself at the exact place, but even after 8 attacks, nothing is happening, and the two times it worked I just jaunted randomly in the far left corner.


Hey, in case you mean the elevator skip just before the Spine fight where we go off screen, once I reach the top left corner and leave the screen, I run northwest for around two seconds and then just hold up. If you don't walk far enough or too far left, you will miss the trigger.


Real life stuff got a bit to me so i couldn't get to continuing learning, but this advice really helped me out! No more random bumping, praying to gods that it will work out somehow, thank you all super much!

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