Speed glitch
8 years ago
United States

Ever since I began speedrunning this, I've occasionally noticed that a saved game will load in and everything non audio related will move at a faster speed than normal. It's very easy to detect if you've seen the game move at normal speed a handful of times. You might have heard me say in the past during a stream that this was happening and I was going to have to restart the game to fix it. It's an extremely rare occurrence as it's probably only happened no more than 10 times since May/June 2014. It continues after cutscenes, mission loads, saves, etc. The only way to get it to stop is to restart the game. I have no idea what causes it, but if someone could figure out how to get it to happen every time you start up the game (it would have to be possible on a fresh install with absolutely no previous game files on the computer because it might require a certain save's spawn location combined with specific inputs upon spawning or something) then it would probably be allowed in runs.

Here's an example of it in action (the game's running at about 1.126x speed):

Feurigerilias likes this
South Georgia

If it requires saves from other runs, it would be ng+ instead of ng. Similar to the girlfriend glitch in sa or pre recorded replays in vc.

So if there is a way, it would be a new category.

United States

Do any of the other GTAs have a seemingly random speed glitch like this?