8 years ago
Île-de-France, France

Hello there ! Timbouton talked about a race, and I was wondering if we could maybe do one, for fun of course, with all interested members, from the first one to the last one, just to chat and run all together. Setting up a little Mumle server or coming all on Skype, chatting while racing :) It could be fun !

I am just posting that without any date, just to see who is interested in it

Bourgogne, France

I'm interested ! :) I know Abbys didn't run since Ghuia got his WR back, but he might be interested for a race, I'll talk to him if he doesn't reply to this post. Same goes for ChrisJahim (not sure he made a speedrun.com yet, so I'll contact him via twitter and give his answer on this thread for him if needs be).

Also, I made a Skype group : here.

Michigan, USA

I am VERY interested! :)

I am across an ocean from most of the runners, so I may not be able to join very many because of the time difference, but I will check from time to time to see if there is one that I can do. Thank you for making the thread!

Michigan, USA

Sorry for the double post! I am bumping this thread to announce a race tomorrow (or, for the European runners, later today)!

WHO: All of you, hopefully!

WHAT: Out There Somewhere Any% IGT Races (Well, that's the category - technically the races are RTA, but if anybody PBs based on IGT, it counts!)

WHEN: 7 April 2016, UTC 21:00

WHERE: SpeedRunsLive - Prettzl or I will create the races, and you can join from SRL chat or from LiveSplit.

WHY: To encourage community interaction, and to keep the new runners running!

HOW: If you haven't already, register on SpeedRunsLive IRC following their instructions: http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/

Learn a few of the commands for how to join a race channel, enter the race, and ready up: http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/commandlist/

Simple as that! Hope somebody joins in. :D


rezoons likes this

We might try to make this a weekly/bi-weekly thing.

Test your might!

Bretagne, France

I'm sorry i couldn't participate. I would have loved too but i was unavailable at the time. I hope the race went well and hopefully i'll be able to participate at the next one. ;)

PrettzL likes this
Michigan, USA

With apologies to Prettzl, I am going rogue and posting an open invitation for races THIS FRIDAY!

WHO: The OTS Community

WHAT: OTS Any% IGT Races

WHEN: 29 April 2016, @ 21:00 UTC

WHERE: SpeedRunsLive - join from either SRL chat or LiveSplit.

WHY: Because Grigori is still... OUT THERE SOMEWHERE!

HOW: If you haven't already, register on SpeedRunsLive IRC following their instructions: http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/

Learn a few of the commands for how to join a race channel, enter the race, and ready up: http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/commandlist/

Also, please RSVP to me, either in this thread, or on Twitch, Twitter, Skype, or Discord. If nobody can race, that's fine - I'll probably just stream then. :P

PrettzL likes this
Bretagne, France

I'll do my best to participate this time!

MIDIbusker and PrettzL like this
Michigan, USA

Hello everyone!

Here is an Instant Invite link to the OTS Discord server: https://discord.gg/0ZzyucBRM2eGWQcn

This is only active for 24 hours from this posting, so join on up!

Discord has many features specifically for gamers, and uses far fewer resources than Skype. So, we can use it to communicate while in-game! And, of course, there are voice chat servers. I think this will be the best way to talk on race days.

E: Special thanks to Prettzl, who got this thing in motion!

Edited by the author 8 years ago
PrettzL likes this

I'll take part in the race as well. I'm very rusty, but I'll see if I can get a little practice in beforehand.

PrettzL and MIDIbusker like this
Michigan, USA

Hello one final time, runners! The races are in just over 7 hours! This is just a reminder to get on SpeedRunsLive.com if you want to track your stats for the race. I am writing some instructions below for anybody who is new to SRL.

If you don't have an account and don't want one, that is fine too! Just start at the same time as the people using SRL, and it will still be fun.

SpeedRunsLive handles races through an IRC server. You can join directly through an IRC client or Web browser. The SRL team suggests an IRC client, and I agree. You can ALSO participate in races directly through the current version of LiveSplit. It will automatically start your timer when the race starts, and when you stop the timer, it will automatically mark you as "done." Sometimes I get errors with my SRL nick, though, so I just use IRC.

If you use IRC, here are some full instructions: http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/#whatsrlraces You can get in the server and the #speedrunslive channel just by picking a nick, but BEFORE YOU CAN RACE, you have to register that nick and link your stream. Steps 4 and 5 explain this. So, the first time I joined, I typed /nickserv register buskers-password busker@example.com. Now, every time I join, I type /nickserv identify buskers-password. The first time I joined, I also typed .setstream twitch/beardedbusker.

Races are made as new channels on the SRL server. I will create them today, but so you all know, the command is .startrace outthere (outthere is SRL's abbreviation for OTS. Super Mario 64 is sm64, as another example). The server will generate a channel with a name like #srl-7dje9. In the #speedrunslive channel, use the /join command to join the race channel. (In HexChat, I can also just click on the channel name from the main channel.)

When you are in the race channel, here are the commands to remember: .enter (to enter the race!) .ready (when every entrant has typed this, the race starts automatically) .done (to show that you have finished)

I recommend getting your New Game file completely ready, with your cursor on "New Game," before you enter .ready. I also recommend pre-typing .done, so that when you finish, you can just switch to your chat window and hit Enter.

This looks like a lot, but it should only take 5-10 minutes to set up. Feel free to ask questions here, or on Discord, or on Twitch chat! :D

rezoons and PrettzL like this

Races were a blast!

Michigan, USA

It's that time again - ANOTHER RACE!!!

WHO: The OTS Community

WHAT: OTS Any% IGT Races

WHEN: 11 May 2016, @ 20:00 UTC (an hour earlier this time!)

WHERE: SpeedRunsLive - join from either SRL chat or LiveSplit.

WHY: Because you haven't lived until you lose a perfect run at Triple Crossed.

HOW: Register on SpeedRunsLive IRC following their instructions: http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/

Learn a few of the commands for how to join a race channel, enter, etc.: http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/commandlist/


Make sure to be in the SRL IRC at race time! One of us will make the new race, then you can join the channel. Use .enter to enter, .ready when you're ready, and .done when Grigori is toast!

Edited by the author 7 years ago
PrettzL likes this
Michigan, USA

I am the Double-Post King! MORE RACING!

WHO: The OTS Community

WHAT: OTS Any% IGT Races

WHEN: 27 May 2016, @ 20:00 UTC

WHERE: SpeedRunsLive - join from either SRL chat or LiveSplit.

WHY: Because Tim made those awesome YuriThump and OTSlove emotes on FFZ, and we need to use them more!

HOW: Register on SpeedRunsLive IRC following their instructions: http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/

Learn a few of the commands for how to join a race channel, enter, etc.: http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/commandlist/


Make sure to be in the SRL IRC at race time! One of us will make the new race, then you can join the channel. Use .enter to enter, .ready when you're ready, and .done when Grigori is toast!


We also need someone to host the race multicast, like we did last time! Basically, we need someone with good Internet, who is willing to have OBS running and either speedrun.tv or kadgar.net with up to 4 of the racers. Then, window capture or monitor capture yourself watching the runs with the stream key that we give you, and it will be broadcast to twitch.tv/otscommunity for viewers to see!

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Michigan, USA

Another week, another race, another double-post!

WHO: The OTS Community

WHAT: OTS Any% IGT Races

WHEN: 29 July 2016, @ 20:00 UTC

WHY: So many of us running now - let's push each other to improve!

HOW: Register on SpeedRunsLive IRC following their instructions: http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/

Learn a few of the commands for how to join a race channel, enter, etc.: http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/commandlist/


Make sure to be in the SRL IRC at race time! One of us will make the new race, then you can join the channel. Use .enter to enter, .ready when you're ready, and .done when Grigori is toast!

If you, or someone you know, wants to watch the race and has good Internet, we need a volunteer to stream a window/monitor capture of a speedrun.tv or a multitwitch of the racers. We'll give them a stream key on race day that casts to twitch.tv/otscommunity (which we'll reset after the races).

Finally, join us on discord! Reach me with a Twitch whisper or a Twitter message for an Instant Invite link.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
PrettzL likes this
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