Flags on all planets Glitchless
3 years ago

Goal Place a flag on every planet(in the SOL system) in minecraft using galaticcraft and GalaxySpace with the exception of Venus Runs start when youn launch off of earth and ends when you place the flag on earth


  1. Creative rockets allowed and creative oxygen kit allowed but switch the oxygen tank to a survival tank
  2. no glitches
  3. flags must be on every planet in Sol

my Submission:

Edited by the author 3 years ago

No mods will be added.

United Kingdom

let's hope no mods will get added, I mean they added the snapshot there's just no telling.

Florida, USA

snapshots arent mods

United Kingdom

oh, gee I would have never known without your seriously important input as people here basically have 0 knowledge in Minecraft but also because you seem like you know Minecraft what does the left click button do again, I forgot.

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Updated requirements for Category Extensions

Submissions for Category Extensions must now follow the same standards of showing F3 asked of main board runs - showing the title screen will no longer be considered verifiable going forwards.

14 days ago