Give us a individual level category !!!!
United States

I refuse to use a different website I'm allergic to such ideas please let me speak to a mod please help

United States

bro it's not gonna happen i swear the website is goated though

United States

an il category already exists on a different website. if you for some reason do not want to use it, then you are free to track your il times yourself. the mods will not transfer 13 years worth of cm times so they can use an inferior leaderboard system as it would be a waste of their time.

Lyren likes this
Massachusetts, USA

Portal 2 tracks IL times already if you want to compare time to other people, add them as a friend on steam


who is “us” if noone else wants this

United States

plenty of people are interested in an il category, in fact some runners specialize in them specifically. the only difference is that op wants them to be tracked here on instead of which will not happen for various reasons.

MrGlenor and Lyren like this
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

have you ever considered clicking here?

California, USA

what website can i use to do il and challenge lvls


the il category was linked 1 message above yours. cm boards were linked 2 messages above yours

Lyren likes this
United States

united states literacy crisis

cha0z likes this

modern society is doomed

cha0z likes this
United States

L + Ratio + is better + ur bald

Illinois, USA

We currently don't have a need for ILs in SRC because they already exist over at (AKA the CM Boards). Previously the SRC boards did have Individual Levels; they were left entirely unused and empty by the community. Due to that we decided to use the IL section of SRC for Chapter runs. Although the chapter runs had a slow start, they are slowly starting to accrue popularity throughout our community.

The closest we would ever get to bringing Portal 2 ILs back to SRC would be a bot which manually moves, approves, and links proof from the CM Boards to SRC. The positives of this would likely be that the popularity of Portal 2 would be more accurately reflected on SRC, it would function as a history backup should the database ever be lost for the CM Boards, and of course it would make world record histories more widely available to the general speedrunning public.

Unfortunately, we would never accept runs being submitted from SRC to the CM Boards because SRC doesn't have a feature which would allow the user to upload their demos directly to the site. Without this crucial feature it would become nearly impossible to ensure that all demos remain available for all users at all times, that all demos are quickly and easily accessible by moderators to verify at any time in particular, and of course that we could easily backup/move/modify demos as is sometimes necessary with a game like ours.

I really do recommend using the CM Boards for your Portal 2 IL submissions. They really are a convenient way to speedrun the game if for no other reason than the fact that they have autosubmit!

I'll be locking this thread so that the answer to this question/request is easily available to anyone looking.

MrGlenor, Closetdoorman and 2 others like this
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