Confused about rules (portal under door = glitchless ?)
5 years ago
Midi-Pyrénées, France

Hi i'm new here,

I like glitchless Speedruns but i don't really understand some rules.

Some of speddrunners's runes clearly use glitches : Really looks glitched to me.

Is this allowed as an exception ? In the rules it appears to be specifically banned. Can you help me ?

Jonah and GoodleShoes like this
United States

hi, this is a glitch and NOT allowed by the rules. thank your for bringing this to our attention! there are lots of portal runs to verify so its pretty easy to skim through submissions and calling it a day, which is why runs like these end up getting verified.

i have removed the run in question, if anyone has anymore runs that they believe conflict with the ruleset please let me know,

Jonah and GoodleShoes like this
Midi-Pyrénées, France

Thank you a lot !

I'm watching several runs for improving myself, so I'll ket you know x)

Gratz for the WR by the way :p

emorymaker and Msushi like this
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Starting now and currently being grandfathered, all console runs will be manually retimed with load times removed. This process will be redone by the verification team anyway, so don't worry about doing it yourself when submitting. Massive shoutouts to Tactix1 for doing this basically single handedl

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