I accidentally did a glitch that i have no knowledge of
1 month ago
United States

its at the end of this video, is this glitch documented at all? never seen it before

KlopFlopPop likes this
Saxony, Germany

The reason for it not being documented is it's extreme unlikelyness of happening. I think.

KlopFlopPop likes this
United States

I've seen a lot of portal glitches but never this one. Maybe ask the subreddit and Discord?

RptlFellow likes this
Massachusetts, USA


Lyren, RptlFellow, and KlopFlopPop like this
København, Denmark

@REDACTED_O5_13 that is a portal boost, some people in the discord can give you a better explaination but all you really need to know is that it sometimes just happens and is basically random.

its also allowed in glitchless as long as its accidental and you dont save time from it, but if you wonna be safe just reload a save

Edited by the author 1 month ago
Lyren, xyantoaster and 3 others like this
Rhode Island, USA

yeah that sometimes just happens, it's pretty fucked and run killing


KlopFlopPop likes this
København, Denmark

"run killing" mfw i can make a quicksave:


I had this bug yesterday and it helped me get the portal gun faster

KlopFlopPop likes this
Rhode Island, USA

Do you save every time before you go through a portal?

KlopFlopPop likes this
Kentucky, USA
Any/All, He/Him
1 month ago

if this could be replicated consistently, would save ~5 seconds on oob and like ~30 secs on inbounds runs

KlopFlopPop likes this
København, Denmark

it cant, and where would that timesave be actually?

KlopFlopPop likes this
Kentucky, USA
Any/All, He/Him
1 month ago

@DysseAlex abh-ing

KlopFlopPop likes this
Kentucky, USA
Any/All, He/Him
1 month ago

it'd give a boost to start off faster

KlopFlopPop likes this

it would most certainly not save anywhere near that time, it would literally lose time, have you seen top level oob and inbounds for 11/12?

KlopFlopPop likes this
København, Denmark

@italvera yeah nice idea but in the oob route i literally cannot remember any place in the run that would save time at all and certainly it would not save 30 seconds in inbounds, look at a run and try to find places where consistent portal boosts would save time (there is actually a setup used in nosla and inbounds for a portal boost in 01 but thats already used)

KlopFlopPop and Lyren like this
Virginia, USA

Can confirm, it just happens sometimes. It can be devastating when it happens in the middle of a perfect run.

KlopFlopPop likes this

i sometimes get it in 01 its about the height of getting over the glass rim

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