need help because my brain is small
2 years ago

hello, i am quite new to speedruning (i just created a account today), can someone explain what all the stuff on the submitting page for inbounds no SLA means?

im scared im gonna get my run rejected or something


Edited by the author 2 years ago

unless you cheated it won't get rejected, verifiers will correct whatever is off. the subcategories are unrestricted and legacy; most runs will fall into legacy, unless you do 00 vaultskip, 17 vertical angle glitch, and/or e01 angle glitch saveglitch (you can read more on these on the ultimate speedrunning guide in the guides section if you don't know what these are). the "segments" option is for some reason still a thing even though it's basically obsolete, depends on if you loaded any save. if you did not load any save (including vault save), the run is ss (single segment). if you loaded any save, quick, auto, vault, etc., the run is rta.

United States

Other things to note for more general (non-No SLA specific) stuff: Timing Time without loads: If you submit with video(or video + demos)-> You would put your time from livesplit using the autosplitter and game time setting.

If you submit with demos only -> You would put your time calculated using one of the demo timers here.

(further explained in the submission and setup guides which can be found in guides.)

Time with loads: If you are submitting a video only AND you are not using the autosplitter then you would put your time here. (It is strongly recommended you use the autosplitter as your time will be placed below all runs that use "time without loads" otherwise).

Segments -> Explained by alias above PC/Console -> Self explanatory No SLA/Segments -> Explained by alias above Platform -> Self explanatory (emulators should not be ticked on) Date -> Date which you did the run on Video Link -> Self explanatory (Do not put demo links here) splits i/o -> Optional, basically lets you link more info about the run Description -> You can put anything here. Also, if you are submitting a run with demos (either demo only or video + demos) this is where you would put a link to them.


thanks, i understand now


I know I’m not a part of this conversation but this was really helpful because I submitted a run with large and acute angle glitches and I was worried that it was gonna get rejected

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Console Retimes

Starting now and currently being grandfathered, all console runs will be manually retimed with load times removed. This process will be redone by the verification team anyway, so don't worry about doing it yourself when submitting. Massive shoutouts to Tactix1 for doing this basically single handedl

6 months ago